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How to call a function on a running Python thread

Say I have this class that spawns a thread:

import threading class SomeClass(threading.Thread):     def __init__(self):         threading.Thread.__init__(self)      def run(self):         while True:             pass      def doSomething(self):         pass      def doSomethingElse(self):         pass 

I want to

someClass = SomeClass() someClass.start() someClass.doSomething() someClass.doSomethingElse() someClass.doSomething() 

How can I do this? I know I can call a function inside the run() function, but that's not what I am aiming for.

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Chris F Avatar asked Sep 26 '13 16:09

Chris F

People also ask

How do you call a function in multithreading in Python?

To implement threading in Python, you have to perform three steps: Inherit the class that contains the function you want to run in a separate thread by using the Thread class. Name the function you want to execute in a thread run() . Call the start() function from the object of the class containing the run() method.

Can a thread call a function?

Yes, but you should take care that the function does not alter state in such a way that other threads would be impacted negatively.

How do I run a Python code from another thread?

Use the Python threading module to create a multi-threaded application. Use the Thread(function, args) to create a new thread. Call the start() method of the Thread class to start the thread. Call the join() method of the Thread class to wait for the thread to complete in the main thread.

2 Answers

You can't directly do what you want. The background thread is running its run function, which just loops forever, so it can't possibly do anything else.

You can, of course, call the class's methods on your own thread, but that presumably isn't what you want here.

The reason frameworks like Qt, .NET, or Cocoa can offer runOnOtherThread-type methods is that each thread runs an "event loop", so all they're really doing is posting an event. You can do that yourself, if you rewrite the run method into an event loop. For example:

import queue import threading  class SomeClass(threading.Thread):     def __init__(self, q, loop_time = 1.0/60):         self.q = q         self.timeout = loop_time         super(SomeClass, self).__init__()      def onThread(self, function, *args, **kwargs):         self.q.put((function, args, kwargs))      def run(self):         while True:             try:                 function, args, kwargs = self.q.get(timeout=self.timeout)                 function(*args, **kwargs)             except queue.Empty:                 self.idle()      def idle(self):         # put the code you would have put in the `run` loop here       def doSomething(self):         pass      def doSomethingElse(self):         pass 

Now, you can do this:

someClass = SomeClass() someClass.start() someClass.onThread(someClass.doSomething) someClass.onThread(someClass.doSomethingElse) someClass.onThread(someClass.doSomething) 

If you want to simplify the calling interface a bit, at the cost of more code in the class, you can add wrapper methods like this:

    def _doSomething(self):         # put the real code here     def doSomething(self):         self.onThread(self._doSomething) 

However, unless your idle method has work to do, you're really just building the equivalent of a single-thread thread pool here, and there are much easier ways to do this than to build it from scratch. For example, using the futures module off PyPI (a backport of the Python 3 concurrent.futures module):

import futures  class SomeClass(object):     def doSomething(self):         pass     def doSomethingElse(self):         pass  someClass = SomeClass() with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as executor:     executor.submit(someClass.doSomething)     executor.submit(someClass.doSomethingElse)     executor.submit(someClass.doSomething) 

Or, with just the stdlib:

from multiprocessing import dummy as multithreading  class SomeClass(object):     def doSomething(self):         pass     def doSomethingElse(self):         pass  someClass = SomeClass() pool = multithreading.Pool(1) pool.apply(someClass.doSomething) pool.apply(someClass.doSomethingElse) pool.apply(someClass.doSomething) pool.close() pool.join() 

Pools have some other advantages, and executors even more. For example, what if the methods returned values, and you want to kick off two functions, then wait for the results, then kick off a third with the results of the first two? Easy:

with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as executor:     f1 = executor.submit(someClass.doSomething)     f2 = executor.submit(someClass.doSomethingElse)     futures.wait((f1, f2))     f3 = executor.submit(someClass.doSomethingElser, f1.result(), f2.result())     result = f3.result() 

Even if you later switch to a pool of 4 threads, so f1 and f2 may be waiting concurrently and f2 may even return first, you're guaranteed to kick off doSomethingElser as soon as both of them are finished, and no sooner.

There's another possibility here. Do you really need the code to run in that thread, or do you just need it to modify variables that thread depends on? If it's the latter, just synchronize access to the variables. For example:

class SomeClass(threading.Thread):     def __init__(self):         self.things_lock = threading.Lock()         self.things = []         while True:             with self.lock:                 things = self.things[:]             for thing in things:                 # pass     def doSomething(self):         with self.lock:             self.things.append(0)  someClass = SomeClass() someClass.start() someClass.doSomething() 

There's nothing magical about being on the main thread here. If, in addition to needing to modify variables that SomeClass depends on, you also wanted to just kick doSomething off the main thread so you can do more important things than just waiting around for it to finish, you can create a short-lived extra thread just to doSomething:

someClass = SomeClass() someClass.start() somethingThread = threading.Thread(target=someClass.doSomething) somethingThread.start() doOtherImportantStuffWithSomethingIsHappening() somethingThread.join() 
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abarnert Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09


Look into concurrent.futures and its submit method, which does what you want when you limit the thread pool to one worker.

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jhermann Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
