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How to call a function from global API in Angular expressions?



Angular.js provides a banch of global functions like angular.lowercase, angular.isArray etc.

Suppose I have a string in my scope:

function MyController($scope) {
   $scope.myString = "TEST"

Calling angular.lowercase has no effect:


How can I call such function in my template?


Example with angular.isArray

<div ng-show="isArray(myVar)">...</div>
like image 206
ponomandr Avatar asked Apr 05 '13 22:04


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1 Answers

The expression in the {{}} is not actual javascript although it looks that way - it's an angularjs expression. For this reason not everything will be available to you.

charlietfl is right that your particular case can be solved with an existing filter. Not every angular.* function is exposed this way, however, in which case you should create your own custom filters.

Filters are cleanest but as a dirty workaround you could also just have the following line in your controller:

$scope.lowercase = angular.lowercase;  // not angular.lowercase()
like image 71
Roy Truelove Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 07:11

Roy Truelove