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How to get only selected checkboxes in angularjs?

I have ng-repeated data, and am trying to get only the ones the user has selected. I'm not sure how to do it though, this is what I have:


<div data-ng-controller="MyCtrl">
        <li data-ng-repeat="record in records">
            <input type="checkbox" ng-model="record.Id"> {{record.Id}}
    <a href="javascript:;" data-ng-click="ShowSelected()">Show Selected</a>


function MyCtrl($scope) 
    $scope.records = [ { "Id": 1 }, { "Id": 2 }, { "Id": 3 } ];
    $scope.ShowSelected = function() 
        // how can I get only the selected records here ?

I did get it working one way - by adding a isSelected:false property to each object and changing the ng-model of the checkbox to record.isSelected, I can then filter on that in the ShowSelected function. This seems inefficient though, I don't want to be adding extra properties to the model if can avoid it.

Is there a better way ?

like image 686
Michael Low Avatar asked Sep 25 '12 09:09

Michael Low

2 Answers


var app = angular.module('plunker', ['ui']);

app.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.records = [ { "Id": 1 }, { "Id": 2 }, { "Id": 3 } ];
    $scope.selected = {};
    $scope.ShowSelected = function() {
      $scope.records = $.grep($scope.records, function( record ) {
        return $scope.selected[ record.Id ];


<div data-ng-controller="MyCtrl">
        <li data-ng-repeat="record in records">
            <input type="checkbox" ng-model="selected[record.Id]"> {{record.Id}}
    <a href="javascript:;" data-ng-click="ShowSelected()">Show Selected</a>


You can store the flag in separately and use it to filter the data.

updated plunk as some CDN links were broken.

like image 189
Tosh Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11


I believe the best way would be to add property 'isSelected' to your record and bind to that value. Something like this:

<input type="checkbox" ng-model="record.isSelected">

another thing you can do (specially if you 'cannot' add that extra property to the record, would be to maintain an array of selected items and add/remove them from the selected array when the user makes the selection:

<input type="checkbox" ng-change="recordSelected(result)" ng-true-value="{{record.id}}" ng-false-value="{{-record.id}}" ng-model="result">

The recordSelected function will be handled in your controller to add/remove and record from the selected records list.

PS: I used a negative record id to represent the record was unselected.

like image 24
Abel Pereira Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11

Abel Pereira