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How to call a function every minute in a React component?

I make a table to get stock price quotes, it works well, but when I try to put a function include setState in the component, it falls into an infinite loop, it triggers setState and re-render immediately and triggers again.

How can I call this function without triggering an infinite loop when I load this component? I would to call the function every 10 seconds or every minute.

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import api from '../../api'

function CreateRow(props){
    const [stock, setStock] = useState({symbol:'',last:'',change:''})

    async function check() {
        const result = await api.getStock(props.item)
        const symbol = result.data.symbol
        const lastest = result.data.latestPrice
        const change = result.data.change
        setStock({symbol:symbol, lastest:lastest, change:change})

    // check()   <----------! if I call the function here, it becomes an infinite loop.

            <th scope="row"></th>

export default CreateRow
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Jeff Guo Avatar asked Nov 28 '20 12:11

Jeff Guo

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2 Answers

You want to initiate a timeout function inside a lifecycle method.

Lifecycle methods are methods which call on, for example, mount and unmount (there are more examples but for the sake of explanation I will stop here)

what you're interested in is the mount lifecycle.

In functional components, it can be accessed like this:

const { useEffect } from 'react';

useEffect(() => {
  // This will fire only on mount.
}, [])

In that function, you want to initialize a setTimeout function.

const MINUTE_MS = 60000;

useEffect(() => {
  const interval = setInterval(() => {
    console.log('Logs every minute');
  }, MINUTE_MS);

  return () => clearInterval(interval); // This represents the unmount function, in which you need to clear your interval to prevent memory leaks.
}, [])
like image 170
Antonio Erdeljac Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 13:10

Antonio Erdeljac

Consider 60000 milliseconds = 1 minute

Can do using the method:

setInterval(FunctionName, 60000)

do as below:

async function check() {
  const result = await api.getStock(props.item)
  const symbol = result.data.symbol
  const lastest = result.data.latestPrice
  const change = result.data.change
  setStock({symbol:symbol, lastest:lastest, change:change})

// Write this line

useEffect(() => {
 }, []);

setInterval(check, 60000);
like image 28
aish Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 14:10
