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Javascript: Loop through Array with Delay

I am trying to loop through an array, but want to output each value of the array with a delay. This is what my current understanding is on how it should work:


Requested JS Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/d3whkjww/

    loopThroughSplittedText: function(splittedText) {

        for (var i = 0; i < splittedText.length; i++) {
            // for each iteration console.log a word
            // and make a pause after it


Yet, it does not work, and I believe it might be, because the arguments in the "for" loop have to be inside the setTimeout function. Yet I don't know how to make it work.

All I get is every value of the array at once, but I want them appear with a delay. How do I do that?

like image 583
LoveAndHappiness Avatar asked Jun 16 '15 10:06


1 Answers

Chances are you're going to want to use a recursive function instead of a for loop here. However, I'll explain both ways just in case you (or someone else reading this) has your heart set on doing this with a loop.

For a recursive function, the general idea is that you'll want to call the function once, then let it call itself repeatedly until it's finished doing what you want it to do. In terms of code, it will could look something a bit like this:

loopThroughSplittedText: function(splittedText) {

  // Create our counter; delayedOutput will use this to
  // track how far along in our string we are currently at
  var locationInString = 0;

  function delayedOutput() {

    // Output the next letter in our string

    // Increment our counter so that on the next call we are on the next letter

    // Only perform setTimeout if we still have text left to output
    if (locationInString < splittedText.length) {

      // Functions can reference themselves using their own name
      setTimeout(delayedOutput, 1000);

  // Call our function once to get things started

Alternatively, if you really prefer using a loop, you can still do it, but there's a fair bit of fiddling that has to be done to accomplish this.

First, you're going to need to place console.log within its own function. This is because when you place console.log(something), you're not actually passing it, but calling it right then and there, which is not what you want; by calling it, it spits out the text to the console right away rather than waiting until later. Tucking it away in its own function allows it to be passed to setTimeout so it can be called later on.

Second, you're going to have to wrap that function in yet another function to ensure that it's given the correct value of i when it fires. The reason is effectively this: Your intention is to tell the function "when you're ready, use what i was when I set you up." However, what you're doing right now is effectively saying "when you're ready, look at i". Because the function doesn't check what i is until it's ready to fire, it won't know its value until long after you have performed the loop, meaning i will be a number much higher than you want!

As a bit of a sub-point to the above, you'll want to call that function immediately. This is known as an immediately invoked function expression. If you're not familiar with them, they're certainly worth looking up. Their uses are a bit unusual, but they're a powerful tool in the right spot.

Finally, because you're setting up everything right here and now, you want to make sure the timeout for each function is a second apart; as it stands now, you're saying "do all of these one second from now", when your intention is "do all of these one second apart, starting one second from now". This fix is relatively easy; all you need to do is multiply your timeout by i so that you set up the first to go 1 second from now, the second to go 2 seconds from now, and so on.

All of that combined gives you code that looks something like this:

loopThroughSplittedText: function(splittedText) {

  for (var i = 0; i < splittedText.length; i++) {
      (function(locationInString) {
        return function() {


As for which solution is better, I would probably recommend the recursive function. The recursive version will only create one function that calls itself for every string you pass it, whereas the for loop version will create one function for every character in the string, which could get out of hand very quickly. Function creation (and object creation in general) can get expensive in JavaScript when you're working on larger projects, so it's generally best to favor solutions that avoid creating massive amounts of functions when possible.

But still, for sake of explanation, I wouldn't want to leave you without the for loop version; the knowledge could come in handy in other places. :)

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DracoAdvigilat Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 09:10
