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How to calculate DATE Difference in PostgreSQL?

Here I need to calculate the difference of the two dates in the PostgreSQL.

In SQL Server: Like we do in SQL Server its much easier.

DATEDIFF(Day, MIN(joindate), MAX(joindate)) AS DateDifference; 

My Try: I am trying using the following script:

(Max(joindate) - Min(joindate)) as DateDifference; 


  • Is my method correct?

  • Is there any function in PostgreSQL to calculate this?

like image 797
Sarfaraz Makandar Avatar asked Jul 24 '14 09:07

Sarfaraz Makandar

People also ask

How does Postgres calculate date difference?

In PostgreSQL, if you subtract one datetime value (TIMESTAMP, DATE or TIME data type) from another, you will get an INTERVAL value in the form ”ddd days hh:mi:ss”. So you can use DATE_PART function to extact the number of days, but it returns the number of full days between the dates.

2 Answers

Your calculation is correct for DATE types, but if your values are timestamps, you should probably use EXTRACT (or DATE_PART) to be sure to get only the difference in full days;

EXTRACT(DAY FROM MAX(joindate)-MIN(joindate)) AS DateDifference 

An SQLfiddle to test with. Note the timestamp difference being 1 second less than 2 full days.

like image 63
Joachim Isaksson Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10

Joachim Isaksson

CAST both fields to datatype DATE and you can use a minus:

(CAST(MAX(joindate) AS date) - CAST(MIN(joindate) AS date)) as DateDifference 

Test case:

SELECT  (CAST(MAX(joindate) AS date) - CAST(MIN(joindate) AS date)) as DateDifference FROM      generate_series('2014-01-01'::timestamp, '2014-02-01'::timestamp, interval '1 hour') g(joindate); 

Result: 31

Or create a function datediff():

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION datediff(timestamp, timestamp)  RETURNS int  LANGUAGE sql  AS $$     SELECT CAST($1 AS date) - CAST($2 AS date) as DateDifference $$; 
like image 20
Frank Heikens Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10

Frank Heikens