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Postgresql query array of objects in JSONB field

I have a table in a postgresql 9.4 database with a jsonb field called receivers. Some example rows:

[{"id": "145119603", "name": "145119603", "type": 2}] [{"id": "1884595530", "name": "1884595530", "type": 1}] [{"id": "363058213", "name": "363058213", "type": 1}] [{"id": "1427965764", "name": "1427965764", "type": 1}] [{"id": "193623800", "name": "193623800", "type": 0}, {"id": "419955814", "name": "419955814", "type": 0}] [{"id": "624635532", "name": "624635532", "type": 0}, {"id": "1884595530", "name": "1884595530", "type": 1}] [{"id": "791712670", "name": "791712670", "type": 0}] [{"id": "895207852", "name": "895207852", "type": 0}] [{"id": "144695994", "name": "144695994", "type": 0}, {"id": "384217055", "name": "384217055", "type": 0}] [{"id": "1079725696", "name": "1079725696", "type": 0}] 

I have a list of values for id and want to select any row that contains an object with any of the values from that list, within the array in the jsonb field.

Is that possible? Is there a GIN index I can make that will speed this up?

like image 941
user3761100 Avatar asked Feb 12 '15 19:02


People also ask

Can Jsonb be an array?

jsonb[] is not an "extra" datatype, it's simply an array of JSONB values. Similar to text[] or integer[] . You can create arrays from every type.

How do you update objects in Jsonb arrays with PostgreSQL?

Postgres offers a jsonb_set function for updating JSON fields. The second parameter path defines, which property you want to update. To update items in an array, you can use an index-based approach. To update the first entry in the items array in the example above, a path woud look like this: {items, 0, customerId} .

Can you index Jsonb Postgres?

JSONB and IndexesPostgreSQL can use indexes for the text results as compare operands. GIN index can be used by the GIN JSONB operator class.

How do I query Jsonb data in PostgreSQL?

Querying the JSON documentPostgreSQL has two native operators -> and ->> to query JSON documents. The first operator -> returns a JSON object, while the operator ->> returns text. These operators work on both JSON as well as JSONB columns. There are additional operators available for JSONB columns.

1 Answers

There is no single operation, which can help you, but you have a few options:

1. If you have a small (and fixed) number of ids to query, you can use multiple containment operators @> combined with or; f.ex.:

where data @> '[{"id": "1884595530"}]' or data @> '[{"id": "791712670"}]' 

A simple gin index can help you on your data column here.

2. If you have variable number of ids (or you have a lot of them), you can use json[b]_array_elements() to extract each element of the array, build up an id list and then query it with the any-containment operator ?|:

select * from   jsonbtest where  to_json(array(select jsonb_array_elements(data) ->> 'id'))::jsonb ?|          array['1884595530', '791712670']; 

Unfortunately, you cannot index an expression, which has a sub-query in it. If you want to index it, you need to create a function for it:

create function idlist_jsonb(jsonbtest)   returns jsonb   language sql   strict   immutable as $func$   select to_json(array(select jsonb_array_elements($1.data) ->> 'id'))::jsonb $func$;  create index on jsonbtest using gin (idlist_jsonb(jsonbtest)); 

After this, you can query ids like this:

select *, jsonbtest.idlist_jsonb from   jsonbtest where  jsonbtest.idlist_jsonb ?| array['193623800', '895207852']; 

Note: I used dot notation / computed field here, but you don't have to.

3. But at this point, you don't have to stick with json[b]: you have a simple text array, which is supported by PostgreSQL too.

create function idlist_array(jsonbtest)   returns text[]   language sql   strict   immutable as $func$   select array(select jsonb_array_elements($1.data) ->> 'id') $func$;  create index on jsonbtest using gin (idlist_array(jsonbtest)); 

And query this computed field with the overlap array operator &&:

select *, jsonbtest.idlist_array from   jsonbtest where  jsonbtest.idlist_array && array['193623800', '895207852']; 

Note: From my internal testing, this latter solution is calculated with a higher cost than the jsonb variant, but in fact it is faster than that, a little. If performance really matters to you, you should test both.

like image 193
pozs Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 13:10
