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How do I execute raw SQL in a django migration

I am aware of the cursor object in Django. Is there any other preferred way to execute raw SQL in migrations? I want to introduce postgresql partitioning for one of my models tables. The partition logic is a bunch of functions and triggers that have to be added to the database on setup which I'd like to automate.

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David Schumann Avatar asked Jul 29 '15 10:07

David Schumann

People also ask

How use raw SQL query in Django?

Django gives you two ways of performing raw SQL queries: you can use Manager. raw() to perform raw queries and return model instances, or you can avoid the model layer entirely and execute custom SQL directly. Explore the ORM before using raw SQL!

What is SQL migrate in Django?

Migration is a way of applying changes that we have made to a model, into the database schema. Django creates a migration file inside the migration folder for each model to create the table schema, and each table is mapped to the model of which migration is created.

What is raw SQL query?

Raw SQL queries are useful if the query you want can't be expressed using LINQ. Raw SQL queries are also used if using a LINQ query is resulting in an inefficient SQL query. Raw SQL queries can return regular entity types or keyless entity types that are part of your model.

1 Answers

One way:

The best way I found to do this is using RunSQL:

Migrations contains the RunSQL class. To do this:

  1. ./manage.py makemigrations --empty myApp
  2. edit the created migrations file to include:

operations = [ migrations.RunSQL('RAW SQL CODE') ]

As Nathaniel Knight mentioned, RunSQL also accepts a reverse_sql parameter for reversing the migration. See the docs for details

Another way

The way I solved my problem initially was using the post_migrate signal to call a cursor to execute my raw SQL.

What I had to add to my app was this:

in the __init__.py of myApp add:

default_app_config = 'myApp.apps.MyAppConfig' 

Create a file apps.py:

from django.apps import AppConfig from django.db.models.signals import post_migrate from myApp.db_partition_triggers import create_partition_triggers   class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):     name = 'myApp'     verbose_name = "My App"      def ready(self):         post_migrate.connect(create_partition_triggers, sender=self) 

New file db_partition_triggers.py:

from django.db import connection   def create_partition_triggers(**kwargs):     print '  (re)creating partition triggers for myApp...'     trigger_sql = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION...; IF NOT EXISTS(...) CREATE TRIGGER..."     cursor = connection.cursor()     cursor.execute(trigger_sql)     print '  Done creating partition triggers.' 

Now on every manage.py syncdb or manage.py migrate this function is called. So make sure it uses CREATE OR REPLACE and IF NOT EXISTS. So it can handle existing functions.

like image 186
David Schumann Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

David Schumann