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How to calculate a mod b in Python?



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What is a mod B in Python?

It returns the remainder of dividing the left hand operand by right hand operand. It's used to get the remainder of a division problem. The modulo operator is considered an arithmetic operation, along with + , - , / , * , ** , // . In the previous example a is divided by b , and the remainder is returned.

How is mod B calculated?

As we said, a mod b is simply an expression representing the remainder when we divide a by b. Therefore, if a / b = q remainder r, then a mod b = r.

How do you find the mod in Python?

The Python modulo operator calculates the remainder of dividing two values. This operator is represented by the percentage sign (%). The syntax for the modulo operator is: number1 % number2. The first number is divided by the second then the remainder is returned.

What is mod of a B?

Definition(s): The modulo operation of integers a and b. “a mod b” returns the remainder after dividing a by b.

There's the % sign. It's not just for the remainder, it is the modulo operation.

you can also try divmod(x, y) which returns a tuple (x // y, x % y)

>>> 15 % 4

The modulo gives the remainder after integer division.

mod = a % b

This stores the result of a mod b in the variable mod.

And you are right, 15 mod 4 is 3, which is exactly what python returns:

>>> 15 % 4

a %= b is also valid.

Why don't you use % ?

print 4 % 2 # 0