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How to bind a variable to a queried item in SPARQL



In this simple sparql query I get a list of subjects whose object is 42

SELECT ?v WHERE { ?v ?p 42 }

If I add ?p as a variable

SELECT ?v ?p WHERE { ?v ?p 42 }

I will get two entities per row, the subject and the predicate. What if I wanted three entities, so including the 42? Something like:

SELECT ?v ?p ?m WHERE { ?v ?p (42 as m) }
like image 504
Stefano Borini Avatar asked Nov 19 '09 04:11

Stefano Borini

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1 Answers

Another variant is to use BIND, e.g.:

SELECT ?v ?p ?m
  BIND(42 AS ?m)
  ?v ?p ?m

The BIND statement simply adds a binding for ?m, which can then be selected for the result set.

like image 176
scotthenninger Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10
