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Reverse wikipedia geotagging lookup

Wikipedia is geotagging a lot of its articles. (Look in the top right corner of the page.)

Is there any API for querying all geotagged pages within a specified radius of a geographical position?


Okay, so based on lost-theory's answer I tried this (on DBpedia query explorer):

PREFIX geo: <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>
SELECT ?subject ?label ?lat ?long WHERE {
    ?subject geo:lat ?lat.
    ?subject geo:long ?long.
    ?subject rdfs:label ?label.
    FILTER(xsd:float(?lat) - 57.03185 <= 0.05 && 57.03185 - xsd:float(?lat) <= 0.05
        && xsd:float(?long) - 9.94513 <= 0.05 && 9.94513 - xsd:float(?long) <= 0.05
        && lang(?label) = "en"
} LIMIT 20

This is very close to what I want, except it returns results within a (local) square around the point and not a circle. Also I would like if the results where sorted based on the distance from the point. (If possible.)

Update 2

I am trying to determine the euclidean distance as an approximation of the true distance, But I am having trouble on squaring a number in SPARQL. (Question opened here.) When I get something useful I will update the question, but in the meantime I will appreciate any suggestions on alternative approaches.

Update 3

A final update. I gave up on using SPARQL through DBpedia. I have written a simple parser which fetches the Wikipedia article text nightly database dump and parses all articles for geocodes. It works rather nicely and it allows me to store information about geotagged articles however I wish.

This is probably the solution I will continue using, and if I get around to create a nice interface to it I might consider allowing public API access and/or publishing the source to the parser.

like image 646
Bjarke Freund-Hansen Avatar asked Sep 09 '09 16:09

Bjarke Freund-Hansen

People also ask

Is reverse geocoding free?

Yes, the Geoapify Reverse Geocoding Tool is Free! You can upload and process multiple locations. No coding and registration required. You can also use Geoapify Reverse Geocoding API and process up to 3000 addresses per day for FREE.

How do you find coordinates on Wikipedia?

The coordinates are the two numbers displayed immediately after the letters "cp=". The latitude and longitude are separated by a tilde ( ~ ). The latitude is displayed first, and both coordinates are displayed in decimal degrees format. (in degrees only).

2 Answers

The OpenLink Virtuoso server used by the dbpedia endpoint has several query features. I found the information on http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparqlgeospat.html useful for a similar problem.

I ended up with a query such as this:

SELECT ?page ?lat ?long (bif:st_distance(?geo, bif:st_point(15.560278, 58.394167)))
    ?m foaf:page ?page.
    ?m geo:geometry ?geo.
    ?m geo:lat ?lat.
    ?m geo:long ?long.
    FILTER (bif:st_intersects (?geo, bif:st_point(15.560278, 58.394167), 30))

This example retrieves the geotagged locations within 30 km from the origin position.

like image 147
asynja Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10


You should be able to query for latitude/longitude using SPARQL and dbpedia. An example (from here):

SELECT distinct ?s ?la ?lo ?name ?country WHERE {
?s dbpedia2:latitude ?la .
?s dbpedia2:longitude ?lo .
?s dbpedia2:officialName ?name .
?s dbpedia2:country ?country .
filter (
  regex(?country, 'England|Scotland|Wales|Ireland')
  and regex(?name, '^[Aa]')

You can run your own queries here.

like image 30
Steven Kryskalla Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 20:10

Steven Kryskalla