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How to avoid Serde needing the Default trait for a field that skips serialization?




I have this struct that is created by deserializing with Serde and I want to have a field of type Url in it which is not deserialized:

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Flow {
    pub source: Url,


Serde complains about Url not satisfying the Default trait. I have tried with and without deriving Default. Is my only option for me to implement the Default trait for Url myself?

like image 985
Andrew Mackenzie Avatar asked Jan 24 '18 09:01

Andrew Mackenzie

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2 Answers

You can use #[serde(default = "path")] on the field to give a function with the signature fn() -> Url that should be called if the field is missing.

like image 200
oli_obk Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09


It's also possible to implement Deserialize yourself and handle missing values appropriately.

like image 38
Zargony Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09
