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Is there a set type that preserves insertion order?



Is there a type that preserves insertion order (think Vec) but only tracks unique values (think HashSet)? I want to avoid using Vec because I would first need to check if the value exists in it before insertion.

like image 548
tshepang Avatar asked May 31 '16 15:05


People also ask

Does Set preserve the insertion order?

Unlike lists, ordinary sets do not preserve the order in which we insert the elements. This is because the elements in a set are usually not stored in the order in which they appear.

Which Set maintain the insertion order?

Use LinkedHashSet if you want to maintain insertion order of elements. Use TreeSet if you want to sort the elements according to some Comparator.

Does HashSet preserve order?

HashSet does not maintain any order while LinkedHashSet maintains insertion order of elements much like List interface and TreeSet maintains sorting order or elements.

Does LinkedHashSet maintain insertion order?

When cycling through LinkedHashSet using an iterator, the elements will be returned in the order in which they were inserted. Contains unique elements only like HashSet. It extends the HashSet class and implements the Set interface. Maintains insertion order.

2 Answers

linked_hash_set crate is now available. It's based on the linked-hash-map crate mirroring the std HashSet API as closely as possible.

extern crate linked_hash_set;
use linked_hash_set::LinkedHashSet;

let mut set = LinkedHashSet::new();

assert_eq!(set.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![234, 345, 123]);
like image 70
Alex Butler Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 22:12

Alex Butler

The linked-hash-map crate provides a hash map that holds key-value insertion order. We can create a set wrapper for this hash map using () as values (std::collections::HashSet is implemented this way):

extern crate linked_hash_map;

use linked_hash_map::*;
use std::collections::hash_map::RandomState;
use std::hash::{BuildHasher, Hash};
use std::borrow::Borrow;

fn main() {
    let mut s = LinkedHashSet::new();
    assert_eq!(vec![5, 3, 7, 1], s.iter().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>());
    assert_eq!(vec![5, 3, 1], s.iter().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>());
    assert_eq!(vec![3, 1], s.iter().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>());

pub struct LinkedHashSet<K, S = RandomState>(LinkedHashMap<K, (), S>);

impl<K: Hash + Eq> LinkedHashSet<K> {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

impl<K: Hash + Eq, S: BuildHasher> LinkedHashSet<K, S> {
    pub fn insert(&mut self, k: K) -> Option<()> {
        self.0.insert(k, ())

    pub fn contains<Q: ?Sized>(&self, k: &Q) -> bool
        where K: Borrow<Q>,
              Q: Eq + Hash

    pub fn remove<Q: ?Sized>(&mut self, k: &Q) -> Option<()>
        where K: Borrow<Q>,
              Q: Eq + Hash

    pub fn iter(&self) -> Keys<K, ()> {

You can implement other methods. See LinkedHashMap docs.

like image 20
malbarbo Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 23:12
