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How to avoid race condition when using a lock-file to avoid two instances of a script running simultaneously?

A typical approach to avoid two instances of the same script running simultaneously looks like this:

[ -f ".lock" ] && exit 1
touch .lock
# do something
rm .lock

Is there a better way to lock on files from a shell-script, avoiding a race condition? Must directories be used instead?

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n-alexander Avatar asked Nov 28 '08 12:11


People also ask

How do you overcome race condition and polling in Unix?

To avoid race conditions and to avoid polling, some form of signaling is required between multiple processes. Signals can be used, and we describe one way to do this in Section 10.16. Various forms of interprocess communication (IPC) can also be used.

How do I lock a bash script in Linux?

Near the top of the script, add something like: trap " [ -f /var/run/my. lock ] && /bin/rm -f /var/run/my. lock" 0 1 2 3 13 15 You can search /usr/bin/* for more examples.

3 Answers

Yes, there is indeed a race condition in the sample script. You can use bash's noclobber option in order to get a failure in case of a race, when a different script sneaks in between the -f test and the touch.

The following is a sample code-snippet (inspired by this article) that illustrates the mechanism:

if (set -o noclobber; echo "$$" > "$lockfile") 2> /dev/null; 
   # This will cause the lock-file to be deleted in case of a
   # premature exit.
   trap 'rm -f "$lockfile"; exit $?' INT TERM EXIT

   # Critical Section: Here you'd place the code/commands you want
   # to be protected (i.e., not run in multiple processes at once).

   rm -f "$lockfile"
   trap - INT TERM EXIT
   echo "Failed to acquire lock-file: $lockfile." 
   echo "Held by process $(cat $lockfile)."
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Barry Kelly Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Barry Kelly

Try flock command:

exec 200>"$LOCK_FILE"
flock -e -n 200 || exit 1

It will exit if the lock file is locked. It is atomic and it will work over recent version of NFS.

I did a test. I have created a counter file with 0 in it and executed the following in a loop on two servers simultaneously 500 times:


exec 200>/nfs/mount/testlock
flock -e 200

NO=`cat /nfs/mount/counter`
echo "$NO"
let NO=NO+1
echo "$NO" > /nfs/mount/counter

One node was fighting with the other for the lock. When both runs finished the file content was 1000. I have tried multiple times and it always works!

Note: NFS client is RHEL 5.2 and server used is NetApp.

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jpastuszek Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


Lock your script (against parallel run)



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Hank Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09
