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How to automate Amazon Associates earnings report download?



Right now, we follow a manual process of downloading the Amazon Associates earnings report (https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/network/reports/report.html) in XML and then importing that data to our application.

If possible, we are looking for solution by which we can automate the downloading of that report so that we don't have to manually click the Download button.

Can you suggest some solution to this?

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user2115472 Avatar asked Feb 28 '13 12:02


People also ask

How long does it take for Amazon affiliate earnings to show up?

Commission income are paid by direct deposit approximately 60 days after the end of the month for which they are being paid. Payment for January is made in late March. Payment for February is made in late April. Payment for March is made in late May.

How do I see my clicks on Amazon Associates?

The Orders Report combines click and order information. In the top "Items with orders" section, you can see each item ordered and how many direct-link clicks it received.

What is clicks on Amazon affiliate?

Clicks: The number of clicks visitors have made on your Associates links. Click-through Rate: The number of clicks on your links divided by the number of impressions, expressed as a percentage. For example, if your links got 50 clicks for 1000 impressions, your click-through rate would be 50/1000 = 0.05, or 5%.

Why my earnings are not showing in Amazon affiliate?

Your Amazon Associate Account will only show earnings once the items have been sent out. This can take up to several weeks, depending on the provider, although you will usually see earnings in the next few days after the items have been ordered.

1 Answers

I know this is a late answer, but I was asking this same question. Google brought up both this answer on the first page results as well as a solution for Node.js developers that may work here:


Although I haven't used it yet, the interface looks super clean and simple, and appears to be exactly what I'm looking for. Hope it helps someone else looking for a solution on Node.js.

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aikorei Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 16:10
