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What's the meaning of Amazon's URL?




I want to fetch some information from Amazon, but the URL seems very complex. Is there anybody know what's the meaning of amazon's URL?

for example: the Ceiling Fans & Accessories page's url is:

  1. What's the meaning of ref=lp_2619525011_nr_n_6
  2. What's the meaning of rh=n%3A2619525011%2Cn%3A%212619526011%2Cn%3A495362
  3. What's the meaning of bbn=2619526011
  4. What's the meaning of ie=UTF8
  5. What's the meaning of qid=1387193124
  6. What's the meaning of rnid=2619526011
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Yishu Fang Avatar asked Dec 16 '13 11:12

Yishu Fang

2 Answers

ie=UTF8 appears on man Amazon pages is the desired character encoding

qid=1387193124 is a unix timestamp that the URL was generated, in this case October 3rd, 2015 at 12:40:07 GMT

ref= also appears on many pages throughout the site and has something to do with the referring page. Almost like a more explicit way of passing the HTTP Referer.

bbn= and rnid= have something to do with the Amazon's very confusing "Browse Nodes". Unfortunately the 2619526011 in this example does not match up with the Browse Tree Guide available on https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=200186090 which shows Ceiling Fans with a Browse Node ID of 495224

rh= is unclear to me, but probably some session state to pass between pages.

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Brandon Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 19:10



rh denotes the factors of query.
k = keyword,
n = category (Sports & Outdoors in this case)
p_n_condition-type = new/used
p_72 = 4 or more stars
p_85 = prime eligible
page = pagination offset(page nos).
qid = the timestamp when the query result was generated.
bbn = browse node numbers.Amazon uses a hierarchy of nodes with a number to the hierarchy to represent collections of items. Each number given is a browse node number.
rnid = random id  for browsing the node.
ie=utf8 = UTF-8 page encoding format.
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harsh tibrewal Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 18:10

harsh tibrewal