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PHP - Add link to a URL in a string

I have a function that will add the <a href> tag before a link and </a> after the link. However, it breaks for some webpages. How would you improve this function? Thanks!

function processString($s) 
    // check if there is a link

        print preg_match("/http:\/\//",$s);

        $startUrl =  stripos($s,"http://");

        // if the link is in between text
        if(stripos($s," ",$startUrl)){
            $endUrl = stripos($s," ",$startUrl);
        // if link is at the end of string
        else {$endUrl = strlen($s);}

        $beforeUrl = substr($s,0,$startUrl);
        $url = substr($s,$startUrl,$endUrl-$startUrl);
        $afterUrl = substr($s,$endUrl);

        $newString = $beforeUrl."<a href=\"$url\">".$url."</a>".$afterUrl;

        return $newString;

    return $s;
like image 477
AlexBrand Avatar asked Nov 18 '10 16:11


3 Answers

function processString($s) {
    return preg_replace('/https?:\/\/[\w\-\.!~#?&=+\*\'"(),\/]+/','<a href="$0">$0</a>',$s);
like image 192
bcosca Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 18:11


It breaks for all URLs that contain "special" HTML characters. To be safe, pass the three string components through htmlspecialchars() before concatenating them together (unless you want to allow HTML outside the URL).

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tdammers Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 19:11


function processString($s){
  return preg_replace('@((https?://)?([-\w]+\.[-\w\.]+)+\w(:\d+)?(/([-\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)*)@', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $s);

Found it here

like image 1
egze Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 20:11
