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How to atomically print lines from multiple background processes in a bash script?

In a bash function I'm writing I start multiple remote commands via ssh, and have them run in separate background processes. Each of these processes produces many lines of text, which are merged together and then sorted. My problem is that sometimes these lines are mixed together. That is one line starts printing and before that line is finished printing, another line starts printing on the same line.

My question is what is the simplest way to make this print output atomic so that the individual lines don't blend together (interspersing whole lines is ok -- I just want the columns to line up)? One idea I had was to save the output for each parallel background process and then merge them serially, but I have not been able to get this to work (this method should work fine for me if I knew how to properly do it). For reference, here is an outline of the type of script I'm trying to write:

foo() {
        for x in "$@"
                ssh $x 'some-high-latency-command-with-200-lines-of-data-output'
            ) &
            pids+=( $! )
        for x in "${pids[@]}"
            wait $x
    ) 2> /dev/null
like image 752
jonderry Avatar asked Jul 06 '11 00:07


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If you want to push a command into the background, using & at the end is an easy way to do that. This way, you can issue a command in the background and continue to use your terminal as it runs. It comes with a catch, though. Using & doesn't disconnect the command away from you; it just pushes it into the background.

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Use bg to Send Running Commands to the Background You can easily send such commands to the background by hitting the Ctrl + Z keys and then using the bg command. Hitting Ctrl + Z stops the running process, and bg takes it to the background. You can view a list of all background tasks by typing jobs in the terminal.

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3 Answers

I would redirect each ssh run to its own file and merge them afterward. I also wouldn't use a wait loop; wait by itself will wait for all backgrounded processes, or you can say wait ${pids[*]} if you really want just the ssh processes.

like image 123
geekosaur Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 14:10


I finally stumbled onto a solution that appears to work without creating files. Apparently, if I assign the output of ssh to a variable with declare, the lines are preserved, and using echo to print from this variable appears to be atomic. See the following:

foo() {
        for x in "$@"
                declare output=$(ssh $x 'some-command-with-multiline-output')
                echo "$output"
            ) &
            pids+=( $! )
        wait ${pids[*]}
    ) 2> /dev/null
like image 40
jonderry Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10


use some program to recompose lines locally before printing them, for instance:

ssh $x 'some-high-latency-command-with-200-lines-of-data-output' | perl -pe1
like image 1
salva Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10
