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How to append multiple Paths to PYTHONPATH programmatically

I have 4 directories:


I have another directory with tests


having the file testall.py

ow, how can I append PATHS, for test1 thru test4 to PYTHONPATH so that I can access the files under test1 thru 4.

btw, test1 thru 4 have multiple directories under them where the python files are located.

I tried:

import sys
import os
PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__)

did not seem to work


import sys
from test1.common.api import GenericAPI

did not work.

basically: from test1.common.api import GenericAPI should work

like image 442
kamal Avatar asked May 15 '12 19:05


1 Answers

sys.path.append('/home/user/test1','/home/user/test2', ...) does not work because append() function can take only 1 argument.

What you could use instead is:

import sys
sys.path += ['/home/user/test1','/home/user/test2','/home/user/test3','/home/kahmed/test4']
like image 142
An Se Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09

An Se