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Pythonic way to increment and assign ids from dictionary

This seems to be a pretty common pattern:

for row in reader:
    if ids.has_key(c1):

I want to know if there is a better way to achieve this. As far as single line if statements go, I could do this much:

id1=ids.get(c1) if ids.has_key(c1) else currid+1

But then I'm stuck with incrementing currid and sticking if the else case was executed and sticking c->id1 into the dictionary if the if condition passed.

like image 767
Sid Avatar asked Mar 08 '12 21:03


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1 Answers

If the ids start from 0:

for row in reader:
    id1 = ids.setdefault(row[0], len(ids))

(Aside: has_key is considered deprecated. Use x in d instead of d.has_key(x).)

like image 194
Fred Foo Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Fred Foo