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How to add react dev tools to chrome when debugging in vscode

when debugging in vscode in "launch chrome" mode, raises a nice and clean chrome instance, without any extension installed. It is good, but in some cases I need react-dev-tools extension and have to run regular chrome to get this done. Is it any way to have clean debugging chrome, but with dev tools added?

launch configuration is usual:

{ "type": "chrome", "request": "launch", "name": "Launch Chrome:3000", "url": "http://localhost:3000", "webRoot": "${workspaceRoot}" }

like image 861
Pavel L Avatar asked Nov 24 '17 18:11

Pavel L

People also ask

How do I configure Chrome debugger in Visual Studio code?

To debug any project in either Chrome or Microsoft Edge, all you need to do is to start a session by pressing F5 or activating the debug icon in the menu bar and selecting “Run and debug”. Alternatively, you can also use the Visual Studio Code command palette and run the “Debug: Open Link” command.

How do I add React developer to Chrome?

To install React Devtools, visit the extension page for your browser of choice — Chrome or Firefox — and find the install button.

2 Answers

Try adding this line to your launch configuration, launch.json:

"runtimeArgs": ["--load-extension=${env:userprofile}/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Extensions/fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi/3.2.3_0"]

Some limitations

  1. Installation points to local folder based on ID of Chrome extension (enable developer mode to see it) - "fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi"
  2. Path also points to a specific version (3.2.3_0), which may break on future releases of React dev tools
  3. Chrome gives a warning "Disable developer mode extensions" when an extension is loaded locally


  1. VS Code Variables
  2. Chrome command line switches
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Michael Regan Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10

Michael Regan

I was able to get the react-devtools tab with following steps.

  1. Install the react-devtools extension in the window opened by VScode (Again)
  2. Reopen devtools (CMD-ALT-i)
  3. Refresh the page.

I know there could be a better way. I think the chrome window opened by VScode must be protected from loading Extensions like in private mode. Answers welcome.

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Owthaman Rooben Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10

Owthaman Rooben