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Visual studio code, how to copy the file name

In the visual studio code, it has commands to Copy Path and Copy Relative Path (Ctrl+Shift+p->File: Copy Path of Active File). Is there a way I could copy the active file name instead of the whole path?

If there is no way copy the active file name. Is there a way I could write a script or something which creating a new command based on existing Copy Path and showing the new command in the Command Palette?

like image 799
r0n9 Avatar asked Aug 21 '19 23:08


Video Answer

1 Answers

The extension Copy file name works like a charm! CTRL+ALT+F gives you filename and CTRL+ALT+E gives the filename.extension.

like image 62
Wael Chorfan Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09

Wael Chorfan