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How to run python in Visual Studio Code as a main module

How to run python in Visual Studio Code as a main module?

From the command line I would use the -m switch, like

python -m program.py

I need this to make relative imports work.

Is there something I could add to the launch.json file?

If this isn't possible, I maybe need to do something with runpy see python docs, but it would be nice if vscode can do this.


For the moment I use, as a workaround, an extra run.py file which I place outside the package I want to run. Then configure vscode to run that file:

"program": "${workspaceRoot}/../run.py"

From run.py I import the package and call its entry-point function.

like image 844
Pieter Jan Bonestroo Avatar asked Jan 09 '18 09:01

Pieter Jan Bonestroo

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Can I run Python code in Visual Studio code?

Visual Studio Code is a free source code editor that fully supports Python and useful features such as real-time collaboration.

1 Answers

The documentation for debugging a module can be found here: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/debugging#_debugging-specific-app-types

All you need to do is:

  • Select the Python: Module debug cofiguration in VS Code
  • Edit the launch.json and locate the Python: Module config section and replace the value for the setting module with the module name, e.g. program
like image 185
Don Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09
