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How to add property in existing json using System.Text.Json library?


In the above sample JSON I want to add a property called "Name" with Value "John" inside property "TestData". How can I achieve this using .net Core 3.0 System.Text.Json library.

I have tried using methods of Utf8JsonWriter but it is creating a new JSON object instead of appending it to the above existing JSON.

        using (MemoryStream memoryStream1 = new MemoryStream())
            using (Utf8JsonWriter utf8JsonWriter1 = new Utf8JsonWriter(memoryStream1))
                using (JsonDocument jsonDocument = JsonDocument.Parse(json))

                    // how can I add above properties to JsonDocument object??
like image 607
Kunal Patil Avatar asked Oct 09 '19 10:10

Kunal Patil

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1 Answers

Assuming there may be several properties and you want to add a name only to "TestData" property:

using (MemoryStream memoryStream1 = new MemoryStream())
    using (Utf8JsonWriter utf8JsonWriter1 = new Utf8JsonWriter(memoryStream1))
        using (JsonDocument jsonDocument = JsonDocument.Parse(json))

            foreach (var element in jsonDocument.RootElement.EnumerateObject())
                if (element.Name == "TestData")

                    // Staring new object

                    // Adding "Name" property 

                    // Copying existing values from "TestData" object
                    foreach (var testDataElement in element.Value.EnumerateObject())



    var resultJson = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memoryStream1.ToArray());

Here for each property (except for "TestData" property) I write the whole value as is (by calling element.WriteTo(utf8JsonWriter1)), and for "TestData" property I start a new object, add "Name" property and then copy each of the "TestData" object's properties.

P.S. This works, but I'm pretty sure a much better solution should exist.

like image 120
Igor Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 23:09
