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How to add custom ApplicationContextInitializer to a spring boot application?

One way to add custom ApplicationContextInitializer to spring web application is to add it in the web.xml file as shown below.


But since I am using spring boot, is there any way I don't have to create web.xml just to add CustomApplicationContextInitializer?

like image 951
ashishjmeshram Avatar asked Feb 05 '16 06:02


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2 Answers

You can register them in META-INF/spring.factories


You can also add them on your SpringApplication before running it


Or on the builder

new SpringApplicationBuilder(YourApp.class)

It wasn't obvious from the doc at first glance so I opened #5091 to check.

like image 50
Stephane Nicoll Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Stephane Nicoll

Another approach is to use context.initializer.classes=com.example.YourInitializer in a properties/yml file. I like this approach because then you can enable/disable initializers via environment specific props files.

It is mentioned only briefly in the spring boot docs

like image 37
Jeff Sheets Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Jeff Sheets