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run spring batch job from the controller

I am trying to run my batch job from a controller. It will be either fired up by a cron job or by accessing a specific link. I am using Spring Boot, no XML just annotations.

In my current setting I have a service that contains the following beans:

public class batchService {

    public ItemReader<Somemodel> reader() {

    public ItemProcessor<Somemodel, Somemodel> processor() {
        return new SomemodelProcessor();

    public ItemWriter writer() {
        return new CustomItemWriter();

    public Job importUserJob(JobBuilderFactory jobs, Step step1) {
        return jobs.get("importUserJob")
                .incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())

    public Step step1(StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory,       
            ItemReader<somemodel> reader,
            ItemWriter<somemodel> writer,
            ItemProcessor<somemodel, somemodel> processor) {

        return stepBuilderFactory.get("step1")
                .<somemodel, somemodel> chunk(100)

As soon as I put the @Configuration annotation on top of my batchService class, job will start as soon as I run the application. It finished successfully, everything is fine. Now I am trying to remove @Configuration annotation and run it whenever I want. Is there a way to fire it from the controller?


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Damian Avatar asked Feb 17 '15 16:02


People also ask

How do I run a Spring Batch job continuously?

If you want to launch your jobs periodically, you can combine Spring Scheduler and Spring Batch. Here is a concrete example : Spring Scheduler + Batch Example. If you want to re-launch your job continually (Are you sure !), You can configure a Job Listener on your job. Then, through the method jobListener.

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2 Answers

You need to create a application.yml file in the src/main/resources and add following configuration:

spring.batch.job.enabled: false

With this change, the batch job will not automatically execute with the start of Spring Boot. And batch job will be triggered when specific link.

Check out my sample code here: https://github.com/pauldeng/aws-elastic-beanstalk-worker-spring-boot-spring-batch-template

like image 189
Paul Deng Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 03:10

Paul Deng

You can launch a batch job programmatically using JobLauncher which can be injected into your controller. See the Spring Batch documentation for more details, including this example controller:

public class JobLauncherController {

    JobLauncher jobLauncher;

    Job job;

    public void handle() throws Exception{
        jobLauncher.run(job, new JobParameters());
like image 31
Andy Wilkinson Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 02:10

Andy Wilkinson