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How to add code folding to output chunks in rmarkdown html documents




I really appreciate the "code_folding" feature in RMarkdown. However, what I really need is to have the code show all the time and toggle the display on the output.

--- title: "test file" author: "dayne" date: "June 10, 2016" output:    html_document:     code_folding: hide ---  ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ```  Here is a basic example.  ```{r} 3 + 4 ``` 

Is there a way to toggle the output rather than the code? The best (but not ideal) solution I have thought of is to add collapse=TRUE to the chunks, but then the code and the output still display at the same time.

Link to the compiled document: http://rpubs.com/daynefiler/188408

like image 992
dayne Avatar asked Jun 10 '16 18:06


People also ask

How do I embed a code into chunks in R?

You can insert an R code chunk either using the RStudio toolbar (the Insert button) or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + I ( Cmd + Option + I on macOS).

How do I add output in R Markdown?

If you prefer to use the console by default for all your R Markdown documents (restoring the behavior in previous versions of RStudio), you can make Chunk Output in Console the default: Tools -> Options -> R Markdown -> Show output inline for all R Markdown documents .

1 Answers


  1. Full control over which chunks should be folded

  2. Fold all chunks that contain more than one line of code/output

1. Full control over which chunks should be folded

I wanted to have the same functionality as well and did the following:

I created a JavaScript that looks as follows:

$(document).ready(function() {    $chunks = $('.fold');    $chunks.each(function () {      // add button to source code chunks     if ( $(this).hasClass('s') ) {       $('pre.r', this).prepend("<div class=\"showopt\">Show Source</div><br style=\"line-height:22px;\"/>");       $('pre.r', this).children('code').attr('class', 'folded');     }      // add button to output chunks     if ( $(this).hasClass('o') ) {       $('pre:not(.r)', this).has('code').prepend("<div class=\"showopt\">Show Output</div><br style=\"line-height:22px;\"/>");       $('pre:not(.r)', this).children('code:not(r)').addClass('folded');        // add button to plots       $(this).find('img').wrap('<pre class=\"plot\"></pre>');       $('pre.plot', this).prepend("<div class=\"showopt\">Show Plot</div><br style=\"line-height:22px;\"/>");       $('pre.plot', this).children('img').addClass('folded');      }   });    // hide all chunks when document is loaded   $('.folded').css('display', 'none')    // function to toggle the visibility   $('.showopt').click(function() {     var label = $(this).html();     if (label.indexOf("Show") >= 0) {       $(this).html(label.replace("Show", "Hide"));     } else {       $(this).html(label.replace("Hide", "Show"));     }     $(this).siblings('code, img').slideToggle('fast', 'swing');   }); }); 

Since I am no JS crack it might not be perfect, but it does what it is supposed to. Include it in your Rmd file:

<script src="js/hideOutput.js"></script> 

I also wrote some CSS definitions to style the button:

.showopt {   background-color: #004c93;   color: #FFFFFF;    width: 100px;   height: 20px;   text-align: center;   vertical-align: middle !important;   float: right;   font-family: sans-serif;   border-radius: 8px; }  .showopt:hover {     background-color: #dfe4f2;     color: #004c93; }  pre.plot {   background-color: white !important; } 

After including both, the JS file and the stylesheet, you can hide chunks by wrapping a div container around them with one of the following classes:

Hide output only

<div class="fold o"> ```{r}   ... ``` </div> 

Hide source code

<div class="fold s"> ```{r}   ... ``` </div> 

Hide both

<div class="fold s o"> ```{r}   ... ``` </div> 

The script detects the type of each chunk (e.g. source code, text output or plot output) and labels the buttons accordingly.

The result looks like this:

enter image description here

enter image description here

2. Fold all chunks that contain more than one line of code/output

Here is a version of the script that adds the folding feature to all chunks that are longer than one line:

$(document).ready(function() {   $plots = $('img.plot');   $chunks = $('pre').has('code');   $chunks = $chunks.filter(function(idx) {     return $(this).children('code').outerHeight(false) > parseInt($(this).css('line-height'));   });    $chunks.each(function () {     if($(this).hasClass('r')) {       $(this).append("<div class=\"showopt\">Show Source</div><br style=\"line-height:22px;\"/>");     } else {       $(this).append("<div class=\"showopt\">Show Output</div><br style=\"line-height:22px;\"/>");     }   });    $plots.each(function () {     $(this).wrap('<pre class=\"plot\"></pre>');     $(this).parent('pre.plot').prepend("<div class=\"showopt\">Show Plot</div><br style=\"line-height:22px;\"/>");   });    // hide all chunks when document is loaded   $chunks.children('code').toggle();   $('pre.plot').children('img').toggle();   // function to toggle the visibility   $('.showopt').click(function() {     var label = $(this).html();     if (label.indexOf("Show") >= 0) {       $(this).html(label.replace("Show", "Hide"));     } else {       $(this).html(label.replace("Hide", "Show"));     }     $(this).siblings('code, img').slideToggle('fast', 'swing');   }); }); 

Just include it with <script src="js/hideAll.js"></script> and you don't need to wrap div containers around your code chunks. One thing you have to add in your Rmd document though is the following global chunk option:

```{r, echo = F} knitr::opts_chunk$set(out.extra = 'class="plot"') ``` 

It is needed to identify graphical output.

like image 81
Martin Schmelzer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Martin Schmelzer