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How to add a new device to a team provisioning profile


I have a new device for our app to be tested on, so I added it to the provisioning portal.

There are currently two development provisioning profiles - however the provisioning portal will not let me edit the team provisioning profile in order to add the new device. - But I'm sure this something I've done before as I've previously added new devices as they arrived to enable testing with them.

How can I add the new device if the profile isn't editable? (

(The limit has not been reached, there's only several devices in the portal in total).

like image 653
Gruntcakes Avatar asked Feb 29 '12 21:02


1 Answers

For Xcode 5 :

From the Xcode menu select preferences>>Accounts, Select your Apple ID then select Details...

You will get a popup with your Signing Identities and Provisioning Profiles.

Click the Refresh button in the bottom left and the iOS Team Provisioning Profiles get re-generated and downloaded.

like image 60
martin Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 10:10
