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Where did Instruments go in Xcode 4.3?


I have just updated from 4.2 to Xcode 4.3 and "Instruments" is no longer there.

I tried to run it from Launchpad but was informed that this is not possible because Instruments is in the trash bin.

Xcode 4.3 uninstalled 4.2 but it seems it did not bother installing a new version of Instruments.

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Krumelur Avatar asked Mar 02 '12 22:03


People also ask

Where is Instruments in Xcode?

Open Xcode. Choose Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Instruments.

How do I open an instrument in Xcode?

How can I access Xcode Instruments? You can access the instruments by using Product ➔ Profile from the Xcode menu for which the shortcut handle is ⌘ + I . This will rebuild your product and opens the Xcode Instruments overview.

What are iOS Instruments?

Instruments is a powerful performance analysis and testing tool that's part of Xcode toolset. Instruments can help you profile your apps on all platforms - iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS - in order to better understand and optimize their behavior and performance.

1 Answers

You can launch Instruments from within Xcode. It is no longer in the /Developer folder but in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer.

From the menu bar, choose Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Instruments.

enter image description here

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sch Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 20:10
