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Getting multiple key values from Redis


I'm currently playing around with Redis and i've got a few questions. Is it possible to get values from an array of keys?


users:1:name "daniel" users:1:age  "24"  users:2:name "user2" users:2:age  "24"  events:1:attendees "users:1", "users:2" 

When i redis.get events:1:attendees it returns "users:1", "users:2". I can loop through this list and get users:1, get users:2. But this feels wrong, is there a way to get all the attendees info on 1 get?!

In rails i would do something like this:

@event.attendees.each do |att|   att.name end 

But in redis i can't because it returns the keys and not the actual object stored at that key.

thanks :)

like image 987
Daniël Zwijnenburg Avatar asked Apr 14 '12 16:04

Daniël Zwijnenburg

People also ask

Can Redis key have multiple values?

In Redis you can also have lists as the value, which overcomes the problem of having more than one value for a key, as you can have an ordered list with multiple values (so “they'll none of 'em be missed”).

What command in Redis is used to read multiple keys at once?

Conclusion. Querying multiple key/values from Redis is easy using KEYS and MGET . If you need to write key/values to a JSON, TXT or CSV file, just use the Python redis-mass-get CLI. Quick and easy.

How can I get total number of keys in Redis?

The first command you can use to get the total number of keys in a Redis database is the DBSIZE command. This simple command should return the total number of keys in a selected database as an integer value. The above example command shows that there are 203 keys in the database at index 10.

1 Answers

Doing a loop on the items and synchronously accessing each element is not very efficient. With Redis 2.4, there are various ways to do what you want:

  • by using the sort command
  • by using pipelining
  • by using variadic parameter commands

With Redis 2.6, you can also use Lua scripting, but this is not really required here.

By the way, the data structure you described could be improved by using hashes. Instead of storing user data in separate keys, you could group them in a hash object.

Using the sort command

You can use the Redis sort command to retrieve the data in one roundtrip.

redis> set users:1:name "daniel" OK redis> set users:1:age 24 OK redis> set users:2:name "user2" OK redis> set users:2:age 24 OK redis> sadd events:1:attendees users:1 users:2 (integer) 2 redis> sort events:1:attendees by nosort get *:name get *:age 1) "user2" 2) "24" 3) "daniel" 4) "24" 

Using pipelining

The Ruby client support pipelining (i.e. the capability to send several queries to Redis and wait for several replies).

keys = $redis.smembers("events:1:attendees") res = $redis.pipelined do    keys.each do |x|       $redis.mget(x+":name",x+":age")    end end 

The above code will retrieve the data in two roundtrips only.

Using variadic parameter command

The MGET command can be used to retrieve several data in one shot:

redis> smembers events:1:attendees 1) "users:2" 2) "users:1" redis> mget users:1:name users:1:age users:2:name users:2:age 1) "daniel" 2) "24" 3) "user2" 4) "24" 

The cost here is also two roundtrips. This works if you can guarantee that the number of keys to retrieve is limited. If not, pipelining is a much better solution.

like image 61
Didier Spezia Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Didier Spezia