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How to add 10 days to current time in Rails


Time.now + 10.days

or even


Both definitely work. Are you sure you're in Rails and not just Ruby?

If you definitely are in Rails, where are you trying to run this from? Note that Active Support has to be loaded.

days, years, etc., are part of Active Support, So this won't work in irb, but it should work in rails console.

This definitely works and I use this wherever I need to add days to the current date:

Date.today + 5

Some other options, just for reference

# Available in Rails 4

Just list out all options I know:

[1] Time.now + 10.days
[2] 10.days.from_now
[3] -10.days.ago
[4] DateTime.now.days_ago(-10)
[5] Date.today + 10

So now, what is the difference between them if we care about the timezone:

  • [1, 4] With system timezone
  • [2, 3] With config timezone of your Rails app
  • [5] Date only no time included in result

Try this on Rails

Time.new + 10.days 

Try this on Ruby

require 'date'

Try this on Ruby. It will return a new date/time the specified number of days in the future
