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Rails: "Could not find bundler" (2.2.11) required by Gemfile.lock. (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

People also ask

How do I install gems in Gemfile?

run the command bundle install in your shell, once you have your Gemfile created. This command will look your Gemfile and install the relevant Gems on the indicated versions. The Gemfiles are installed because in your Gemfile you are pointing out the source where the gems can be downloaded from.

What is Gemfile lock in Rails?

The Gemfile. lock allows you to specify the versions of the dependencies that your application needs in the Gemfile , while remembering all of the exact versions of third-party code that your application used when it last worked correctly. By specifying looser dependencies in your Gemfile (such as nokogiri ~> 1.4.

Where is Gemfile in Ruby on Rails?

A Gemfile describes the gem dependencies required to execute associated Ruby code. Place the Gemfile in the root of the directory containing the associated code. For instance, in a Rails application, place the Gemfile in the same directory as the Rakefile .

Make sure you're entering "bundle" update, if you have the bundler gem installed.

bundle update

If you don't have bundler installed, do gem install bundler.

This answer is misleading; see its top comment.

I had this problem, then I did:

gem install bundle

notice "bundle" not "bundler" solved my problem.

then in your project folder do:

bundle install

and then you can run your project using:

script/rails server

I had the same problem. This worked for me:

  1. run rvm/script/rvm and also add it to your .profile or .bash_profile as shown in https://rvm.io/rvm/install/

  2. use bundle without sudo

If You are using rvm, then try the following command:

rvmsudo gem install bundler

According to another question: Could not find rails (>= 0) amongst [] (Gem::LoadError)

Hope it helped, Cheers