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How to access the fields of a test class with in an Rule in JUnit




I want to write an JUnit @Rule (version 4.10) to setup some objects (an Entity Manager) and make them available in the test, by "injecting" it into an variable.

Something like this:

public class MyTestClass() {

  MyEntityManagerInjectRule = new MyEntityManagerInjectRule():

  //MyEntityManagerInjectRule "inject" the entity manager
  EntityManger em;


The Problem is that I do not know how to get the current instance of MyTestClass in the MyEntityManagerInjectRule (extends TestRule), because it has only one method. Statement apply(Statement base, Description description);

Within Description there is only the class MyTestClass but not the instance used for the test.

An alternative would be using org.junit.rules.MethodRule but this is deprecated. Before and After are not sufficient for this task, because then I would need to copy the code to the tests, and they are more or less deprecated too. (See Block4JClassRunner.withBefores / withAfters).

So my question in how could I access the test class instance without using deprecated stuff.

like image 649
Ralph Avatar asked Mar 22 '12 15:03


People also ask

What is a JUnit class rule?

Annotation Type ClassRule. @Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Target(value={FIELD,METHOD}) public @interface ClassRule. Annotates static fields that reference rules or methods that return them. A field must be public, static, and a subtype of TestRule . A method must be public static, and return a subtype of TestRule .

What is Rule annotation in JUnit?

ADVERTISEMENT. To use the JUnit rules, we need to add the @Rule annotation in the test. @Rule: It annotates the fields. It refer to the rules or methods that returns a rule. The annotated fields must be public, non-static, and subtypes of the TestRule or MethodRule.

How do you create a rule in JUnit?

To write a custom rule, we need to implement the TestRule interface. As we can see, the TestRule interface contains one method called apply(Statement, Description) that we must override to return an instance of Statement. The statement represents our tests within the JUnit runtime.

What is a rule in JUnit 4?

A JUnit 4 rule is a component that intercepts test method calls and allows us to do something before a test method is run and after a test method has been run. All JUnit 4 rule classes must implement the org. junit.

1 Answers

The proper way to achieve that is to make your rule implement org.junit.rules.MethodRule (not TestRule). The apply() method of the MethodRule interface has a target argument, which holds a reference to the current instance of the test class (of course, it is a different instance each time a method is executed).

Example MethodRule

public class ExampleMethodRule implements MethodRule {

    public Statement apply(final Statement base,
                                         FrameworkMethod method, Object target) {
        System.out.println("ExampleMethodRule#apply()" +
                           "\n\t base: " + base +
                           "\n\t method (current test method): " + method +
                           "\n\t target (current test class instance): "+target);

        return new Statement() {
            public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
                System.out.println("->before evaluate()");
                try {
                } finally {
                    System.out.println("->after evaluate()");

Example test class using @Rule

public class ExampleTest {

    public ExampleMethodRule exampleMethodRule = new ExampleMethodRule();

    public static void beforeClass() {
    public static void afterClass() {

    public void before() {
    public void after() {

    public void aa() {
        System.out.println("method aa()");
    public void bb() {
        System.out.println("method bb()");

like image 119
acdcjunior Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
