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Is there a way to delete meta-data on Eclipse run configurations?




I may have a corruption problem in Eclipse run configurations. This happened after I dragged (or copy-pasted, I don't remember) a Java class called MyClass from project1 to project2. Then I deleted project1. When I create a new run configuration the name given is MyClass (1). In other words, it thinks there is already a run configuration called MyClass, so the new one will have to have a number appended. (Edit: There is no existing MyClass run configuration so there is no apparent reason for the appended number. In fact, I deleted all of my run configurations.)

How can I easily clean up meta-data and be able to build again with minimal manual effort?

If there is a meta-data deletion recommendation that gets rid of more than just run configurations, that probably would still be a good solution, if it does not create a lot of manual work to get set up to work again.

Edit: The problem might be caused by the fact that there is a launch configuration named MyClass - project1 visible in the export dialogue. project1 no longer exists, but this remnant lives on, tying up the class name MyClass. I am not sure if there is a difference between a run configuration and a launch configuration.

like image 324
H2ONaCl Avatar asked Mar 10 '12 08:03


People also ask

How do I remove run configuration?

Go to Run->Run configuration. Delete the existing saved projects under the Java Application.

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These configrations are located in . metadata/. plugins/org. eclipse.

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You can disable the confirmation dialog in Eclipse's preferences: Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching: uncheck "Prompt for confirmation when removing a configuration from the launch history".

1 Answers

AFAIK launch configurations are stored on:


Take a look to the existent configurations and remove those that are not interesting to you.

And restart Eclipse

like image 52
Francisco Puga Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10

Francisco Puga