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How to access private methods without helpers?

In Delphi 10 Seattle I could use the following code to work around overly strict visibility restrictions.

How do I get access to private variables?

  TBase = class(TObject)
    FMemberVar: integer;

And how do I get access to plain or virtual private methods?

  TBase2 = class(TObject) 
    procedure UsefullButHidden;  
    procedure VirtualHidden; virtual;
    procedure PreviouslyProtected; override;

Previously I would use a class helper to break open the base class.

  TBaseHelper = class helper for TBase
    function GetMemberVar: integer;

In Delphi 10.1 Berlin, class helpers no longer have access to private members of the subject class or record.

Is there an alternative way to access private members?

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Johan Avatar asked Apr 19 '16 10:04


People also ask

Can objects access private methods?

Object users can't use private methods directly. The main reason to do this is to have internal methods that make a job easier.

How do you call private methods using reflection?

If we want to access Private Field and method using Reflection we just need to call setAccessible(true) on the field or method object which you want to access. Class. getDeclaredField(String fieldName) or Class. getDeclaredFields() can be used to get private fields.

5 Answers

If there is extended RTTI info generated for the class private members - fields and/or methods you can use it to gain access to them.

Of course, accessing through RTTI is way slower than it was through class helpers.

Accessing methods:

  Base: TBase2;
  Method: TRttiMethod;

  Method := TRttiContext.Create.GetType(TBase2).GetMethod('UsefullButHidden');
  Method.Invoke(Base, []);

Accessing variables:

  Base: TBase;
  v: TValue;

  v := TRttiContext.Create.GetType(TBase).GetField('FMemberVar').GetValue(Base);

Default RTTI information generated for RTL/VCL/FMX classes is following

  • Fields - private, protected, public, published
  • Methods - public, published
  • Properties - public, published

Unfortunately, that means accessing private methods via RTTI for core Delphi libraries is not available. @LU RD's answer covers hack that allows private method access for classes without extended RTTI.

Working with RTTI

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Dalija Prasnikar Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Dalija Prasnikar

There is still a way to use class helpers for access of private methods in Delphi 10.1 Berlin:

  TBase2 = class(TObject) 
    procedure UsefullButHidden;  
    procedure VirtualHidden; virtual;
    procedure PreviouslyProtected; override;

  TBase2Helper = class helper for TBase2
    procedure OpenAccess;

  procedure TBase2Helper.OpenAccess;
    P : procedure of object;
    TMethod(P).Code := @TBase2.UsefullButHidden;
    TMethod(P).Data := Self;
    P; // Call UsefullButHidden;
    // etc

Unfortunately there is no way to access strict private/private fields by class helpers with Delphi 10.1 Berlin. RTTI is an option, but can be considered slow if performance is critical.

Here is a way to define the offset to a field at startup using class helpers and RTTI:

  TBase = class(TObject)
  private  // Or strict private
    FMemberVar: integer;

  TBaseHelper = class helper for TBase
    class var MemberVarOffset: Integer;
    function GetMemberVar: Integer;
    procedure SetMemberVar(value: Integer);
    class constructor Create;  // Executed at program start
    property MemberVar : Integer read GetMemberVar write SetMemberVar;

class constructor TBaseHelper.Create;
  ctx: TRTTIContext;
  MemberVarOffset := ctx.GetType(TBase).GetField('FMemberVar').Offset;

function TBaseHelper.GetMemberVar: Integer;
  Result := PInteger(Pointer(NativeInt(Self) + MemberVarOffset))^;

procedure TBaseHelper.SetMemberVar(value: Integer);
  PInteger(Pointer(NativeInt(Self) + MemberVarOffset))^ := value;

This will have the benefit that the slow RTTI part is only executed once.

Note: Using RTTI for access of protected/private methods

The RTL/VCL/FMX have not declared visibility for access of protected/private methods with RTTI. It must be set with the local directive {$RTTI}.

Using RTTI for access of private/protected methods in other code requires for example setting :

{$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([vcPublic, vcProtected, vcPrivate])}
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LU RD Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 21:10


If you want a clean way that does not impact performance, you still can access private fields from a record helper using the with statement.

function TValueHelper.GetAsInteger: Integer;
  with Self do begin
    Result := FData.FAsSLong;

I hope they keep this method open, because we have code with high performance demands.

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Toon Krijthe Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 21:10

Toon Krijthe

Assuming that extended RTTI is not available, then without resorting to what would be considered hacking, you cannot access private members from code in a different unit. Of course, if RTTI is available it can be used.

It is my understanding that the ability to crack private members using helpers was an unintentional accident. The intention is that private members only be visible from code in the same unit, and strict private members only be visible from code in the same class. This change corrects the accident.

Without the ability to have the compiler crack the class for you, you would need to resort to other ways to do so. For instance, you could re-declare enough of the TBase class to be able to trick the compiler into telling you where a member lived.

  THackBase = class(TObject)
    FMemberVar: integer;

Now you can write

  obj: TBase;
MemberVar := THackBase(obj).FMemberVar;  

But this is horrendously brittle and will break as soon as the layout of TBase is changed.

That will work for data members, but for non-virtual methods, you'd probably need to use runtime disassembly techniques to find the location of the code. For virtual members this technique can be used to find the VMT offset.

Further reading:

  • http://hallvards.blogspot.nl/2004/06/hack-5-access-to-private-fields.html
  • https://bitbucket.org/NickHodges/delphi-unit-tests/wiki/Accessing%20Private%20Members
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David Heffernan Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

David Heffernan

Just use 'with' statement to access private fields !

See the sample code below, taken from this article I noticed today. (Thanks, Mr.DEKO as always !)

This hack is originally reported on QualityPortal in August 2019 as described on above aritcle. (login required)

before rewrite (using "asm" method)

function TPropertyEditorHelper.GetPropList: PInstPropList;
{$IF CompilerVersion < 31.0}
  Result := Self.FPropList;
// http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tales/20160420/1461081751
  MOV EAX, Self.FPropList;

rewrite using 'with'

function TPropertyEditorHelper.GetPropList: PInstPropList;
  with Self do
    Result := FPropList;

I was amazed it's so simple :-)

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benok Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
