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how short should a function be?

I did some searching on here and haven't found anything quite like this, so I'm going to go ahead and ask. This is really more about semantics than an actual programming question. I'm currently writing something in C++ but the language doesn't really matter.

I'm well aware that it's good programming practice to keep your functions/methods as short as possible. Yet how do you really know if a function is too long? Alternately, is it ever possible to break functions down too much?

The first programming language I learned (other than Applesoft BASIC, which doesn't count...) was 6502 assembly language, where speed and optimization is everything. In cases where a few cycle counts screws up the timing of your entire program, it's often better to set a memory location or register directly rather than jump to another subroutine. The former operation might take 3 or 4 cycles, while, altogether, the latter might take two or three times that.

While I realize that nowadays if I were to even mention cycle counts to some programmers they'd just give me a blank look, it's a hard habit to break.

Specifically, let's say (again using C++) we have a private class method that's something like the following:

int Foo::do_stuff(int x) {
    this->x = x;
    // various other operations on x
    this->y = this->x;

I've seen some arguments that, at the very least, each set of operations should be its own function. For instance, do_stuff() should in theory be named to set_x(int x), a separate function should be written for the set of operations performed on class member x, and a third function should be written to assign the final value of class member x to class member y. But I've seen other arguments that EVERY operation should have its own function.

To me, this just seems wrong. Again, I'm looking at things from an internal perspective; every method call is pushing an address on the stack, performing its operations, then returning from the subroutine. This just seems like a lot of overhead for something relatively simple.

Is there a best practice for this sort of thing or is it more up to individual judgment?

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xobicvap Avatar asked Jan 14 '11 00:01


2 Answers

Since the days of 6502 assembly, two things have happened: Computers have got much faster, and compilers (where appropriate) have become smarter.

Now the advice is to stop spending all your time fretting about the individual cycles, until you are sure that it is a problem. You can spend that time more wisely. If you mention cycle counts to me, I won't look at you blankly because I don't know what they are. I will look at you wondering if you are wasting your effort.

Instead, start thinking about making your functions small enough to be:

  • understandable,
  • testable,
  • re-usable, maybe, where that is appropriate.

If, later, you find some of your code isn't running fast enough, consider how to optimise it.

Note: The optimisation might be to hint to the compiler to move the function inline, so you still get the advantages above, without the performance hit.

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Oddthinking Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 20:10


The most important thing about deciding where to break up a function is not necessarily how much the function does. It is rather about determining the API of your class.

Suppose we break Foo::do_stuff into Foo::set_x, Foo::twiddle_x, and Foo::set_y. Does it ever make sense to do these operations separately? Will something bad happen if I twiddle x without first setting it? Can I call set_y without calling set_x? By breaking these up into separate methods, even private methods within the same class, you are implying that they are at least potentially separate operations.

If that's not the case, then by all means keep them in one function.

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JSBձոգչ Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 22:10
