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Storing Reference to function in object/variable

I have searched around for this but thus far have not been able to find a duplicate, I may be using the wrong keywords...

I am trying to temporarily change a function stored in an object, but am having trouble setting it back to what it was before.

Consider this:

// Set the options object
var options = {
    success: function(){
        console.log('Original Function Called');

// Save the options

And then in another function:

// Get the options
var options = $('#foo').data('bar');

// Store the old options
var old_options = options;

// Temporarily change the success function
options.success = function(){
    console.log('Temporary Function Called');

// Save the options
// This allows the other functions to access the temporary function

// Do stuff here that uses the new options

// Reset the options to include the original success function

I would have expected that to only display Temporary Function Called once, however, it seems to completely replace the old success callback with the temporary callback.

Can anyone tell me why and how I can get around this?


I thought that extend would fix this but it seems that the issue may be a little deeper. I have decided to post a snippet of my actual code this time. Please be aware of the following before reading:

  1. SM is pretty much just an alias of jQuery, please ignore it.
  2. success and error are parameters supplied to the function

Here is my code:

// Get the properties
var properties = $(form).data('autosave');
    case 'save':
        var old_properties = $.extend({},properties);
        // Set the new callbacks if they have been supplied
        properties.options.success = typeof success!=='undefined' ? success : old_properties.options.success;
        properties.options.error = typeof error!=='undefined' ? error : old_properties.options.error;
        // Save the properties
        // Call the save method before setting the interval
            properties = $.extend({},old_properties);
        // Save the old properties
        // Clear the current interval
        // Call the save method periodically
        properties.interval = setInterval(function(){
// Save the properties
like image 782
Ben Carey Avatar asked Jun 19 '13 20:06

Ben Carey

1 Answers

When you run this code:

var old_options = options;

you are not making a copy of the entire options object that you can restore later. You are merely saving a reference to the same object. In other words, old_options is the very same object as options, so when you assign a new value into options.success, you're changing it in both options and old_options—because they are the same object.

To fix this, you can use an object cloning function to make a copy of the object which you can then restore later. Since you're using jQuery, you can change the line above to:

var old_options = $.extend( true, {}, options );

Now, when you change options.success, you're only changing it in the options object. old_options is unaffected, so your later call will restore it successfully:


Interestingly enough, this may still work OK even if options.success is an asynchronous callback (which sounds likely from the name). That's because whatever code calls that .success() method later on, they should still be holding on to a reference to your modified options object—even if you've restored the old one back into the element's data in the meantime. At least one could hope for that; if the other code digs back into the $().data() to find the .success callback then you'd be in trouble.

The $.extend() call above does a "deep" (recursive) copy of the options object. That is, if one of the properties inside options is itself an object, it also clones that object instead of just copying a reference to it.

If you leave out the true argument, $.extend() does a shallow copy instead:

var old_options = $.extend( {}, options );

This still creates a new object and copies over all the properties from an existing object, but if one of those properties is itself an object it doesn't clone that object, it just copies a reference. This is more efficient if it works with the structure of the object you're using, otherwise you can use the deep copy.

If the properties/methods you need to save and restore are direct children of the main object, a shallow copy should be enough. Here's a case where you'd definitely need a deep copy:

    url: 'test',
    events: {
        success: function( data ) {
            // ...

Here we have an object with an events property, and that property is itself an object with some properties/methods of its own (in this example an events.success() method. If you do a shallow copy of this object, the original and the copy will share a common events object. So if you did something like this:

options.events.success = function(...) {...};

You'd actually be updating that in both options and old_options. No good. That's where a deep copy is needed.

like image 94
Michael Geary Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Michael Geary