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How override Provider in Angular 5 for only one test?

In one of my unit test files, I have to mock several times the same service with different mocks.

import { MyService } from '../services/myservice.service';
import { MockMyService1 } from '../mocks/mockmyservice1';
import { MockMyService2 } from '../mocks/mockmyservice2';
describe('MyComponent', () => {

    beforeEach(async(() => {
        declarations: [
        providers: [
            { provide: MyService, useClass: MockMyService1 }

    beforeEach(() => {
        fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MapComponent);
        mapComponent = fixture.componentInstance;

    describe('MyFirstTest', () => {
        it('should test with my first mock', () => {
             * Test with my first mock

    describe('MySecondTest', () => {
        // Here I would like to change { provide: MyService, useClass: MockMyService1 } to { provide: MyService, useClass: MockMyService2 }

        it('should test with my second mock', () => {
             * Test with my second mock

I see that the function overrideProvider exists, but I did not manage to use it in my test. When I use it in a "it", the provider doesn't change. I didn't manage to find an example where this function is called. Could you explain me how to use it properly? Or have you an other method to do that?

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hbaltz Avatar asked Feb 15 '18 15:02


People also ask

How do you override a provider?

To override a provider you need to call the Provider. override() method. This method receives a single argument called overriding . If the overriding value is a provider, this provider is called instead of the original.

What is beforeEach in Angular testing?

beforeEach is a global function in Jasmine that runs some setup code before each spec in the test suite. In this test suite, beforeEach is used to create a testing module using the TestBed object and declares any components that would be used in this testing module.

What is TestBed inject?

TestBed. configureTestingModule() helps you configure the providers. Configuring the providers means you are letting the Angular dependency injection system know about this dependency which later it can inject in to components when requested through a dependency injection token.

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Using the HttpClientTestingModule and HttpTestingController provided by Angular makes mocking out results and testing http requests simple by providing many useful methods for checking http requests and providing mock responses for each request.

4 Answers

As of angular 6 I noticed that overrideProvider works with the useValue property. So in order to make it work try something like:

class MockRequestService1 {

class MockRequestService2 {

then write you TestBed like:

// example with injected service
  // Provide the service-under-test
  providers: [
    SomeService, {
      provide: SomeInjectedService, useValue: {}

And whenever you want to override the provider just use:

TestBed.overrideProvider(SomeInjectedService, {useValue: new MockRequestService1()});
// Inject both the service-to-test and its (spy) dependency
someService = TestBed.get(SomeService);
someInjectedService = TestBed.get(SomeInjectedService);

Either in a beforeEach() function or place it in an it() function.

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Dimitrios Vythoulkas Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10

Dimitrios Vythoulkas

If you need TestBed.overrideProvider() with different values for different test cases, TestBed is frozen after call of TestBed.compileComponents() as @Benjamin Caure already pointed out. I found out that it is also frozen after call of TestBed.get().

As a solution in your 'main' describe use:

let someService: SomeService;

beforeEach(() => {
        providers: [
            {provide: TOKEN, useValue: true}

    // do NOT initialize someService with TestBed.get(someService) here

And in your specific test cases use

describe(`when TOKEN is true`, () => {

    beforeEach(() => {
        someService = TestBed.get(SomeService);



describe(`when TOKEN is false`, () => {

    beforeEach(() => {
        TestBed.overrideProvider(TOKEN, {useValue: false});
        someService = TestBed.get(SomeService);



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Katja Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 00:10


If the service is injected as public property, e.g.:

class MyComponent {
  constructor(public myService: MyService)

You can do something like:

it('...', () => {
  component.myService = new MockMyService2(...); // Make sure to provide MockMyService2 dependencies in constructor, if it has any.

  // Your test here...

If injected service is stored in a private property, you can write it as (component as any).myServiceMockMyService2 = new MockMyService2(...); to bypass TS.

It's not pretty but it works.

As for TestBed.overrideProvider, I had no luck with that approach (which would be much nicer if it worked):

it('...', () =>{
  TestBed.overrideProvider(MyService, { useClass: MockMyService2 });
  fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ConfirmationModalComponent);
  component = fixture.componentInstance;

  // This was still using the original service, not sure what is wrong here.
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Filip Voska Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

Filip Voska

I was facing similar problem, but in a simpler scenario, just one test(describe(...)) with multiple specifications(it(...)).

The solution that worked for me was postponing the TestBed.compileComponents and the TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent) commands. Now I execute those on each individual test/specification, after calling TestBed.overrideProvider(...) when needed.

describe('CategoriesListComponent', () => {
beforeEach(async(() => {
    imports: [HttpClientTestingModule, RouterTestingModule.withRoutes([])],
    declarations: [CategoriesListComponent],
    providers: [{provide: ActivatedRoute, useValue: mockActivatedRoute}]

it('should call SetCategoryFilter when reload is false', () => {
  const mockActivatedRouteOverride = {...}
  TestBed.overrideProvider(ActivatedRoute, {useValue: mockActivatedRouteOverride });
  fixture = TestBed.createComponent(CategoriesListComponent);


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J.J Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 00:10