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How long does it take for GitHub page to show changes after changing index.html

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Why does GitHub pages take so long to update?

The first time you generate your site it will take about 10 minutes for it to show up. Subsequent builds take only seconds from the time you push the changes to your GitHub repository. However, depending on how your have your domain configured, there may be extra time for the CDN cache to break.

Why does my GitHub page do not update its content?

Check which branch Github is publishing your website from. In your repository, click on Settings, scroll down the page and there should be a box where you you can change the publishing branch. Also if you are using a custom domain name, make sure your CNAME file is up to date. Hope that helps!

How long does it take for a repository to update?

In most cases, repos finish processing in anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. In some cases, we've seen repos take up to a day or two, but this is unusual. The time required varies based on the size of the repository, number of commits, and size of diffs; the initial pass can take some time.

How long does it take for a git commit to update?

Expected behavior: commit in the usual timeframe, usually under 10 seconds, even for large commits. Actual behavior: commit takes 5 minutes or more.

The first time you generate your site it will take about 10 minutes for it to show up. Subsequent builds take only seconds from the time you push the changes to your GitHub repository.

However, depending on how your have your domain configured, there may be extra time for the CDN cache to break.

Note: using a subdomain, such as yourproject.github.io is the recommended domain setup, but does mean page builds take longer to show up since it has the benefit of using the GitHub CDN.

Github pages are cached with CDN. As explained by JoelGlovier in comments, you can still have the latest version of your pages by appending a version in the query string such as https://username.github.io/awesome-repo/?version=f36af92 so that you won't get a cached version of your page.

Github also has a deployment page: https://github.com/<user>/<repo>/deployments that lists the deployments and the time they were deployed.

Choose github-pages from the environments drop-down list.

This helps to know if your latest git push was deployed at all.

Github pages are cached with CDN.So the user has to clear the site cache everytime to load new changes.To overcome this you can use meta tags in the HTML code, they will load the webpage without caching.Include this in your index.html file.

<meta http-equiv='cache-control' content='no-cache'> 
<meta http-equiv='expires' content='0'> 
<meta http-equiv='pragma' content='no-cache'>

Using this you won't get a cached version of your page.