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GitHub pages are not updating

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Why does my GitHub page do not update its content?

Check which branch Github is publishing your website from. In your repository, click on Settings, scroll down the page and there should be a box where you you can change the publishing branch. Also if you are using a custom domain name, make sure your CNAME file is up to date. Hope that helps!

How do I update my pages on GitHub?

If you want to edit or update your website, go to your Repository, select Upload files, and drag and drop your new updated file, enter a commit message, and click the button Commit changes.

How long does it take for GitHub Pages to update?

Note: It can take up to 10 minutes for changes to your site to publish after you push the changes to GitHub. If you don't see your GitHub Pages site changes reflected in your browser after an hour, see "About Jekyll build errors for GitHub Pages sites."

Why does it take so long for GitHub Pages to update?

The first time you generate your site it will take about 10 minutes for it to show up. Subsequent builds take only seconds from the time you push the changes to your GitHub repository. However, depending on how your have your domain configured, there may be extra time for the CDN cache to break.

None of these solutions solved it for me. The solution was to edit the index.html file in the GitHub website.

The website then updates on the web as expected.

For others, also check the dates of your posts. I just had this problem. I'm at UTC+11 and I'm pretty sure the server is at UTC. Thus if I date my posts with my local time, the server thinks they are in the future and won't build them. Using UTC avoided this for me.

As mentioned by joao cenoura in the comments below:

  • you can tell jekyll to show "future" posts by adding future: true to your _config.yml
  • and/or add timezone: TIMEZONE to specify your timezone.

See https://jekyllrb.com/docs/configuration/ for more info.

Go to your index.html file through your site (example.github.io/index.html) and then reload the page. Then you can go back to (example.github.io) and it should have updated. You can do the same with the master.css file, etc.

If it doesn't work, try reloading (github.com/example/example.github.io/[blob/master/]index.html) instead and it will have updated.

I had an empty CNAME file. Check that if you're having a similar issue.