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How to resolve "refusing to allow an OAuth App to create or update workflow" on git push


refusing to allow an OAuth App to create or update workflow .github/workflows/cd.yml without workflow scope"

on git push. How to grant workflow scope?

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Ara Yeressian Avatar asked Sep 25 '20 07:09

Ara Yeressian

People also ask

How do I re authorize the OAuth application for GitHub VSCode?

Go to your settings on GitHub -> Applications -> Authorized OAuth Apps, Search for "GitHub for VSCode", and choose "Revoke" from the "..." menu. Show activity on this post. Delete git from "credential manager" window's application. Then pull on repo again.

How do I use GitHub personal access tokens?

Under your GitHub user profile (not the repository profile), click the “Settings” link. Scroll down and click the “Developer Settings” link. Click the GitHub “Personal access tokens” link. Click the “Generate new token” link and provide your password again if required.

8 Answers

I've literally just come across this problem when trying to use IntelliJ to push to a branch that contains a GitHub Action workflow (YAML file in .github/workflows). I didn't find existing resources on the Internet very helpful, so I hope this will help you fix it too.

TL;DR: Update your Personal Access Token with the workflow scope enabled in GitHub, or create a new one, and configure your application to use that.

Background: third-party tools with GitHub integrations like IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code, Github Desktop, etc use tokens to connect to your GitHub account so they can pull/push, etc on your behalf. In the case of IntelliJ, their instructions only say to include the repo, the gist, and the read:org scopes. But you need the workflow scope to modify GitHub Actions.

Here's how to fix it:

  1. In your Github account, go to Settings (in your avatar dropdown in the top right-hand corner)
  2. Go to Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens
  3. If your token is listed, update it to include the workflow scope:
    • Click on the token name.
    • Select workflow scope and save.
    • If the app you use won't re-fetch permissions for your token automatically, you may have to create a new one (step 4 below).
    • Click on Update Token to save the change. DONE!
  4. If there's no token listed there, generate a new one:
    • Click on Generate Token.
    • Select the scopes you need, including workflow.
    • Read the information carefully, then click OK to continue.
    • Copy the new token that Github shows you.
    • Apply the new token to your application. For example, for the Intellij IDE, go to Settings > Version Control > GitHub, remove the existing integration and re-add it, pasting in the new token.
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Emma Burrows Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10

Emma Burrows

For Windows 10: Go to Settings -> Credentials Manager -> Windows Credentials -> Remove github.com credentials -> git pull/push your github project from git-bash console -> Reconnect GitHub Account in your IDE/Source control. You don't need create Personal Access Token with "workflow", you don';t need create secret GITHUB_TOKEN (it creates auto and can't created manual)

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CSRedRat Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10


Running macOS. I am pushing my .yml workflow file from the Atom text editor and this worked for me.

  1. Go to github personal access tokens settings and generate a new token. Make sure you select both repo and workflow access scope.


  1. Go to Keychain Access app on Mac, and search for github. I found an entry (shown below) named github.com, of Internet password kind, which was previously filled with a seemingly random token. Replace the password entry with the generated token (the one begins with ghp_) from step 1.


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Diego Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10


This issue also happens simply because your current token is not allowed to work with workflow on Github. Do the following steps to fix

For people using Android Studio on MacOS:

  1. Delete your current token (Preferences -> Version Control -> GitHub): enter image description here

remember to hit the "Ok" button.

  1. Try to push/pull again from Android Studio, an popup now will appear. enter image description here

  2. Hit Use Token... button, another popup will appear. enter image description here

  3. Click on Generate, you will be sent to GitHub website to generate a new token. Remember to select the workflow permission. enter image description here

  4. Click generate Button to get a new token and paste it to Android Studio in step 3. It's all set now.

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ThaiPD Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10


In my case, I had stale GitHub credentials in macOS Keychain. I was modifying a workflows file and pushing the changes from the command line, hence I didn't think of checking the Keychain at all. The Updating credentials from the macOS Keychain explained how to use git credential-osxkeychain to erase the Keychain:

$ git credential-osxkeychain erase
> [Press Return]

I then had to enter my username and password again. This time I generated a new personal access token and used that token for the password. Then I could finally push the workflows changes.

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eirikvaa Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10


On Windows 10 Here is step by step how I was able to fix the issue

I've included lots of screenshots `cause this was way harder to resolve then it should have been.

In hind sight, what @CSRedRat said is right but as I was having the problem I couldn't understand that because the answer was so terse.

Ultimately what led me to the solution was this article which makes the situation more clear.

Here's the deal. While you can work around this issue using the GitHub Developer Settings Menu to generate a new token and then pasting that into the Windows Credential Manager, you shouldn't because eventually that token will expire and then you will be having this issue again since nothing will know how to refresh the token since you set it manually.

Instead, this token privs issue needs fixed via Git for Windows. So the deal is the "old" Git Credential Manager for Windows didn't ask for privs to create or update workflows but now you need them. The good news is there is a new version our called Git Credential Manager Core and it does ask for these privs and more.

The new credential manager ships with Git 2.28 and later, but isn't enabled by default. If you already have Git for Window of this version or later installed then you already have the software even. In my case I had version 2.30.2 so I already had the new software.

enter image description here

But it was still using my old Git for Windows credentials which don't carry the privs needed. That may be your case as well or if you don't have a version older 2.28 then you need to first install a newer version. Either way, once you have a new enough version of Git for Windows on your machine the next step is to remove the old credentials by typing "windows credential manager" in the windows search box.

enter image description here

Then find each git credential, click on it and click the remove button.

enter image description here

Now next time you try to access your get account from git bash Visual Studio or whatever git client you use, you will be prompted for new credentials because the old ones are gone. Click the Sign in with your browser button in the dialog below:

enter image description here

Then you will see a web page like this one below, and if you expand the workflow drop down you will see it is asking for the privs you need this time. Then click Authorize button.

enter image description here

Once you do that, you will see a page like this for providing your github password:

enter image description here

Now you have a new credential in your windows credential manager that has the privs you need and your operation that use to fail will now succeed. Yea!

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RonC Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10


  1. Find your token, should be here https://github.com/settings/tokens
  2. Grant workflow as showing below enter image description here
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http8086 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10


Fixed this by using the Desktop Github App for pushing my changes (it seems to have full permissions vs. the limited scope of vs code).

After getting that one commit with the modified workflow file pushed through, I was able to make push commits normally again in vs code.

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Aerodynamic Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10
