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How instruct to the Delphi IDE refresh the modified syntax highlight colors using OTA (Open Tools API)?

I'm writting a plugin to integrate the Delphi IDE Theme Editor with the Rad Studio IDE (the current version of this tool run as an external application) so far everything is working fine (see the below image), except the fact which I can't figure out how refresh the selected syntax highlight colors in the Delphi IDE

enter image description here

Let me explain, in the standard option to change the syntax highlight colors (Editor Options-> Color) you can customize any element and assign a new foreground and background color, then if you press the . OK . button the IDE apply the changes and the IDE editor windows are updated with new settings.

Currently i can modify and store the new values, but I can't instruct to the Delphi IDE to apply the the new configuration, the changes are only visible if the IDE is restarted.

I searched the ToolsAPI unit and i found the IOTAEditOptions, IOTAHighlighter and IOTAHighlightServices interfaces but none it seems include an option to refresh (reload) the modified setting.

Also I tried unmangle (using tdump) and calling the functions of the coreide1XX.bpl file directly, but this did not work too.

00420B94 17411 1F39 Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::
00422188 17400 1F3A __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::ColorClick(System::TObject *)
0042174C 17407 1F3B __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::ColorSpeedSettingClick(System::TObject *)
004224BC 17396 1F3C __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::DefaultClick(System::TObject *)
00422414 17397 1F3D __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::EditorColorBroadcast(System::TObject *, Winapi::Messages::TMessage&)
00421584 17409 1F3E __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::EditorColorCreate(System::TObject *)
00421730 17408 1F3F __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::EditorColorDestroy(System::TObject *)
004217B0 17406 1F40 __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::ElementListClick(System::TObject *)
004222E8 17399 1F41 __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::FontClick(System::TObject *)
004225DC 17395 1F42 __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::HelpClick(System::TObject *)
00421AE8 17404 1F43 __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::InitLineFlags(const System::DelphiInterface<Toolsapi::IOTAHighlighterPreview>)
004219B8 17405 1F44 __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::InitSamplePane()
00421BC8 17403 1F45 __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::InitSyntaxEditView(const System::DelphiInterface<Toolsapi::IOTAHighlighterPreview>)
0042262C 17393 1F46 __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::LoadHighlightPreviews()
004225F4 17394 1F47 __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::MarkDirty()
004220E4 17401 1F48 __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::SampleClick(System::TObject *)
00422080 17402 1F49 __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::SetColorSpeedSetting(Vedopts::TColorSpeedSetting)
0042238C 17398 1F4A __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::UpdateSamplePane()
00422814 17392 1F4B __fastcall Editcolorpage::TEditorColor::tbsetPreviewsChange(System::TObject *, int, bool&)
004AA8D4 17390 1F4C __fastcall Editcolorpage::initialization()
00423C38 17413 1F4D __fastcall Editdisplaypage::Finalization()

How I can instruct to the Delphi IDE refresh the modified syntax highlight colors using OTA (Open Tools API)?

Let me know if you need more info or if the question is not clear.

like image 658
RRUZ Avatar asked Mar 28 '12 19:03


2 Answers

A slight hack that should have the desired effect would be to have your plugin bring up the Environment Options dialog, and have the operator close it manually. This causes the IDE to reinitialize its configuration based on the submitted settings.

To do this, obtain a handle onto a Project (IOTAProject object) and call...


Where AProject is defined as AProject: IOTAProject.

I know this isn't the most elegant of solutions, but if it has the desired effect, at least it's somewhat practical.

like image 106
LaKraven Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10


I'd say your best bet would be to snoop around coreide*.@Envoptions@TEnvironmentOptions@EditorSourceOptionsBeforeSave or coreide*.@Envoptions@TEnvironmentOptions@EditorSourceOptionsAfterSave

These get called when the Ok button gets clicked. I'm not very good at reading assembly but from the looks of it the environment options are loaded from the registery during IDE initialization and any changes made are written back as needed but the IDE depends on the in memory instance of TEnvironmentOptions to be the authoritative representation of all environment options.

coreide*.@Envoptions@TEnvironmentOptions@GetEdColors appears to be where the colors are retrieved from the environment options for editing by TEditorColor

It's unfortunate none of these classes is exposed to the OTA or NTA.

like image 34
Kenneth Cochran Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10

Kenneth Cochran