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How important are Design Patterns really? [closed]

How important are Design Patterns really?

I think the earlier generation of programmers didn't use Design Patterns that much (people who graduated in the 80s and before mid 90s). Do the recent graduate know it in general and use it a lot more?

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nonopolarity Avatar asked Jun 10 '09 22:06


People also ask

Why is design pattern very important?

Why use a design pattern? The usefulness of using a design pattern is obvious. The design pattern can accelerate the development process. It provides proven development paradigms, which helps save time without having to reinvent patterns every time a problem arises.

Are design patterns harmful or helpful?

Design patterns are great. When used properly they make code more maintainable, easier to read and work with. Part of being a good programmer is knowing when to stop and see that any further refactoring will outweigh benefits.

Are design patterns outdated?

Design patterns feel completely obsolete now. Not only does no-one at all talk about them, most of the design patterns themselves were harmful and are now completely unnecessary due to functional language features being available in modern languages.

1 Answers

We used design patterns in the 80's, we just didn't know they were design patterns.

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Javamann Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09
