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How does RVM work in production with no users logged in?

Considering putting RVM into production (light duty) on a new machine. But I'm not visualizing how it will work if a user isn't logged in. RVM has been installed into /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm so it is available to "everyone".

If server restarts and is at login screen and background daemons are serving apache/rails, etc. and no .bashrc, etc. have loaded...how/where do we specify which of RVM's Rubies to load?

Perhaps somewhere in Phusion's Passenger?

who manages these gemsets? are they shared?

like image 789
Meltemi Avatar asked May 06 '11 00:05


1 Answers

You can use RVM's wrapper command to generate scripts that load up the correct RVM environment before executing the necessary binaries. The format is:

rvm wrapper [ruby_string] [wrapper_prefix] [binary[ binary[ ...]]]

For example, to create a binary named system_unicorn that loads ruby-1.9.2-p180 and then executes unicorn, use the following:

rvm wrapper ruby-1.9.2-p180 system unicorn

You can pass multiple binaries to create wrappers for. For example, to create wrappers for both unicorn and god, run

rvm wrapper ruby-1.9.2-p180 system unicorn god

ruby_string can be anything you can pass to rvm use, and thus can contain gemsets as well; for example, to create myapp_unicorn for the gemset my_app_gemset, use:

rvm wrapper ruby-1.9.2-p180@my_app_gemset myapp unicorn

When you install Passenger these days, it automatically creates a wrapper for it's ruby (pretty sure it calls it passenger_ruby) that loads up the correct version of Ruby (the one you're using when you install it). You can use config/setup_load_paths.rb to specify a gemset--see this Stack Overflow answer.

like image 62
Michelle Tilley Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Michelle Tilley