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How does C free() work? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How malloc() and free() work

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int * alloc()
    int *p = (int *)calloc(5,4);
    return p;

int main()
 int *p = alloc();

 p[0] = 1;
 p[1] = 2;
 printf("%d %d\n",p[0],p[1]);

As to the code segment, I allocate 5 ints,first. And then I free the memory. When I printf p, why does p sill have a value same to the memory address allocated first? And I also can assign value to p[0] and p[1]. Does this mean free() do nothing? Once I allocate memory, I can use later though I have freed it.

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slee Avatar asked Jan 16 '11 05:01


People also ask

What happens when you free () in C?

free() just declares, to the language implementation or operating system, that the memory is no longer required. When it is written over is not defined behavior.

How does the free () function work in C?

The function free() is used to deallocate the allocated memory by malloc(). It does not change the value of the pointer which means it still points to the same memory location. Here is the syntax of free() in C language, void free(void *pointer_name);

What happens when double free in C?

A double free in C, technically speaking, leads to undefined behavior. This means that the program can behave completely arbitrarily and all bets are off about what happens.

How does free () knows the size of the memory to be freed?

When we use the dynamic memory allocation techniques for memory allocations, then this is done in the actual heap section. It creates one word larger than the requested size. This extra word is used to store the size. This size is used by free() when it wants to clear the memory space.

2 Answers

Think logically.

Calling free(ptr), you tell the System, that allocated previously memory referred by ptr is free now.

It means, that the System can use the memory now as it likes to. And believe me, soon or later the System will write its own data to the same address, overwriting your one, or the same thing will do another programm in your multitask Operation System.

You will probably ask why ptr has the same value? Well, the answer is simple: velocity. The System do not know if you are going to assign the ptr with a new valid address right after the free call, or you just will abandon it unused.

In any case it is a good practice assign ptr with a NULL pointer right after the free call:

ptr = NULL;

Because in another part of your function/module/program you will be able to check:

if(NULL == ptr){
/* ... */

By the way, if you you will call free twice on the same address somehow, your program will crash - that is another good reason to make an assignment to NULL after the free call, becase free(NULL) - is a safe operation:

ptr = NULL; /* try to comment out/put back this line and see what happens */

In a complex program it can happen.

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inj Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10


free releases the memory at that address. It doesn't change the p variable itself. However, doing anything with p after that point is undefined behavior. It may seem to work if you use it immediately after freeing, but it's still completely wrong, and could cause a crash or worse.

free is implementation-specific. However, on most implementations, it will write to book-keeping data in the heap to note that the memory is now available. For instance, it might mark a particular chunk as unused, or combine the chunk with an adjacent free one.

Note that using %d for a pointer is also undefined.

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Matthew Flaschen Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 10:10

Matthew Flaschen