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How does asm("nop"); works?




I red the definition from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NOP but I still need a simpler definition.

I stumbled across a code and I don't know exactly what it does:

switch (Something)

        case this_one:
            asm ("nop");
        case other_one:
            asm ("nop");
            asm ("nop");
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Alexandru Cimpanu Avatar asked Jun 23 '14 06:06

Alexandru Cimpanu

People also ask

What does NOP mean in ASM?

What Does No Operation (NOP) Mean? A no operation or “no-op” instruction in an assembly language is an instruction that does not implement any operation. IT pros or others might refer to this as a blank instruction or placeholder.

What does a NOP instruction do?

NOP is a mnemonic that stands for “No Operation”. This instruction does nothing during execution. Only it occupied 1-Byte of memory space and spends 4-Machine Cycles. NOP instruction can be used to create small-time delay in the execution of the code.

How long does a NOP instruction take?

A NOP instruction takes one instruction cycle, which is 250 ns for Fosc of 16 MHz. One instruction cycle consists of four oscillator cycles (Q clocks); for an oscillator frequency of 16 MHz, this gives a nominal instruction execution rate of 4 MHz (1/4MHz = 250ns). Thanks for all replies! they are really very useful!

What is NOP in Mplab?

NOP instruction is the short form for 'No Operation' and is often useful to fine tune delays or create a handle for breakpoints.

2 Answers

nop is an assembly instruction that does nothing--well as close to nothing as you can do and still execute a machine instruction, which means (probably) a REALLY tiny bit of time goes by (which can have limited value in certain realtime applications.

In this case, the statement asm("nop"); makes no semantic difference to the program. The only reason I can think that it might be present is to "force" the compiler to NOT collapse the code paths, making the machine structure of the switch statement visible if you look at the object code or disassemble the machine code or view it in a debugger.

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Dwayne Towell Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10

Dwayne Towell

Since nobody mentioned it, nop can also be useful to "yield" during a critical section, i.e. allow other interrupts to occur so as to reduce interrupt latency caused by the critical section.

This is typically useful in embedded applications without operating systems where you often have to poll variables and/or status registers during a critical section.

On many RISC processors (ARM, AVR), the instruction immediately following interrupt unmasking will still be masked, so if you just put sei/cli close together, you won't allow any interrupt to occur.

Each nop added between sei and cli allows one more interrupt to occur before the critical section resumes.

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kuroi neko Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

kuroi neko