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How do you write a powershell function that reads from piped input?


The following are the simplest possible examples of functions/scripts that use piped input. Each behaves the same as piping to the "echo" cmdlet.

As functions:

Function Echo-Pipe {
  Begin {
    # Executes once before first item in pipeline is processed

  Process {
    # Executes once for each pipeline object
    echo $_

  End {
    # Executes once after last pipeline object is processed

Function Echo-Pipe2 {
    foreach ($i in $input) {

As Scripts:

# Echo-Pipe.ps1
  Begin {
    # Executes once before first item in pipeline is processed

  Process {
    # Executes once for each pipeline object
    echo $_

  End {
    # Executes once after last pipeline object is processed
# Echo-Pipe2.ps1
foreach ($i in $input) {


PS > . theFileThatContainsTheFunctions.ps1 # This includes the functions into your session
PS > echo "hello world" | Echo-Pipe
hello world
PS > cat aFileWithThreeTestLines.txt | Echo-Pipe2
The first test line
The second test line
The third test line
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samthebest Avatar asked Aug 09 '12 09:08


1 Answers

You also have the option of using advanced functions, instead of the basic approach above:

function set-something { 

    # do something with $piped

It should be obvious that only one parameter can be bound directly to pipeline input. However, you can have multiple parameters bind to different properties on pipeline input:

function set-something { 


    # do something with $prop1 and $prop2

Hope this helps you on your journey to learn another shell.

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x0n Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
