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Library functions vs Java methods in Clojure

While reading 'Programming Clojure', I noticed that there are alternative ways to perform some operations in Clojure. For example, let's say we need to convert all characters of a string to their upper-case variants.

We can use .toUpperCase:

user> (.toUpperCase "foo")
;; => "FOO"

As well as clojure.string/upper-case:

user> (clojure.string/upper-case "foo")
;; => "FOO"

While clojure.string/upper-case is a function and we can treat it as such:

user> (map clojure.string/upper-case ["foo" "bar" "baz"])
;; => ("FOO" "BAR" "BAZ")

...we cannot do the same with .toUpperCase:

user> (map .toUpperCase ["foo" "bar" "baz"])
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol...

I guess that .toUpperCase is direct call of Java method, and Clojure knows how to deal with this symbol when it is first element of a form.

Q: what should I use .toUpperCase or clojure.string/upper-case and what's difference between:

(map clojure.string/upper-case ["foo" "bar" "baz"])


(map (fn [x] (.toUpperCase x)) ["foo" "bar" "baz"])
like image 651
Mark Karpov Avatar asked Aug 22 '14 05:08

Mark Karpov

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2 Answers

Either works: it's basically a trade-off as follows:

Advantages of wrapped Clojure functions:

  • More idiomatic Clojure style
  • More likely to be portable (e.g. to ClojureScript)
  • Can be passed to higher order functions

Advantages of using Java methods:

  • Slightly better performance (assuming you use type hints correctly to avoid reflection)
  • More transparent if you are working with Java programmers / Java code bases

Normally, I prefer to use wrapped Clojure functions, unless I have benchmarked and identified a performance problem, at which point I might drop down to direct Java interop.

like image 132
mikera Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 20:11


clojure.string/upper-case is just a wrapper function of java.lang.String.toUpperCase method. You can check in in your repl.

user=> (source clojure.string/upper-case)
(defn ^String upper-case
  "Converts string to all upper-case."
  {:added "1.2"}
  [^CharSequence s]
  (.. s toString toUpperCase))

As you can see, upper-case just invoke toUpperCase.

I don't think there's any strong rule to choose only one between them. However, as you already know, .toUpperCase method is not a clojure function and cannot be passed as an argument to other higher order functions. So, it would be better to use clojure.string/upper-case, if you don't have any specific reasons to use .toUpperCase method.

like image 29
ntalbs Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 19:11
