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Java Multiple Consecutive Operators




(Note: I came across this somewhat accidentally, so it may not be practical, but I am just very curious)

I wanted to print out a value, which was the sum of two values, after incrementing the second. Something like so:

int first = 10;
int second = 20;
System.out.println(first + ++second);  //31
System.out.println(first);             //10
System.out.println(second);            //21

Maybe not the neatest code, but it worked. But then, I started experimenting.

System.out.println(first +++ second);  //30
System.out.println(first);             //11
System.out.println(second);            //21

That's fine; it means that the first was incremented after being added, and that whitespace can be ignored here. Cool. But then...

System.out.println(first +++++ second);  //"Invalid Argument", doesn't work


System.out.println(first ++ + ++ second);  //31
System.out.println(first);             //11
System.out.println(second);            //21

Works fine, but for some reason, is still different than

System.out.println(first + + + ++ second);  //31
System.out.println(first);             //10
System.out.println(second);            //21

And maybe the strangest of all,

System.out.println(first + + + + + + second);  //30
System.out.println(first);             //10
System.out.println(second);            //20

So what's going on here? When is whitespace between operators ignored, and when is it not? Why can I write "+ + + + +", without any issues?


like image 349
Sherz Avatar asked Aug 07 '14 14:08


2 Answers

This comes down to operator precedence. The order of operations goes:

  • postfix (foo++, foo--)
  • unary (++foo, --foo, +expr, ...)
  • ...
  • additive (+, -)
  • ...

So, let's take a look at each expression:

first + ++second is first + (++second). That's fine.

first +++ second is (first++) + second, which works as you said it does.

first +++++ second is ((first ++)++)+ second), but (first ++) is a value (not a variable) and thus can't be incremented -- that's what the error is trying to tell you.

first ++ + ++ second explicitly tells Java to split things up differently than above: it becomes (first ++) + (++ second), which is fine.

first + + + + + + second becomes first + (+ (+ (+ (+ (+ second))))). The unary + just means "not negated", so +foo == foo. Therefore this expression simplifies to first + second, which is obviously fine.

like image 136
yshavit Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10


I don't want to close it as a duplicate since it's a different language but I believe it to be the same reason as layed out here.

It's simply a matter of parsing and these bullets should help you figure it out:

  • Java allows for a lot of whitespace
  • Consecutive mathematical operators like + bear no extra meaning and only one will be applied
  • Parsing is done from left to right

Code: first +++ second
Parsed: first++ + second

Code: first +++++ second
Parsed: There is no binary operator ++ since it will try to make ++ ++ +

Code: first ++ + ++ second
Parsed: first++ + ++second

Code: first + + + ++ second
Parsed: first + ++second

Code: first + + + + + + second
Parsed: first + second

like image 28
Jeroen Vannevel Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10

Jeroen Vannevel