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how do you test that Rails mailer credentials are valid?

I've got a mailer sending through a GMail account, and I want to test that ActionMailer can actually log in to GMail's SMTP server with the credentials I've given it. What's the best way to test this?

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XZVASFD Avatar asked Feb 23 '11 01:02


People also ask

How do I get the credentials of a rails app?

When you create a new rails app a file called credentials.yml.enc is added to the config directory. This file will be decrypted in a production environment using a key stored either on a RAILS_MASTER_KEY environment variable or a master.key file I mentioned before.

What is a global credentials file in rails?

The default pattern on most rails apps is a master config/credentials.yml.enc file. This acts as a global credentials file if no other environments are present with their own credentials file. The need for this comes when third-party services/APIS out there have "live" and "test" modes. Stripe is a great example of this.

Why are Rails Credentials so hard to understand?

I personally have found Rails credentials really hard to understand. I think there are three reasons why this is. The official Rails docs about the credentials feature are a little terse and not easily discoverable. The feature changed somewhat drastically from Rails 4 to Rails 5, even changing names from “secrets” to “credentials”.

How do I edit a key in Rails Credentials?

According to this article, keys can be configured specific to e.g. production by running rails credentials:edit --environment production .) Since it’s encrypted, the config/credentials.yml.enc file can’t be edited directly. It can only be edited using the rails credentials:edit command.

1 Answers

smtp = Net::SMTP.new settings[:address], settings[:port]
smtp.enable_starttls_auto if settings[:enable_starttls_auto]
smtp.start(settings[:domain]) do
  expect {
    smtp.authenticate settings[:user_name], settings[:password], settings[:authentication]
  }.to_not raise_error

Calling authenticate will raise a Net::SMTPAuthenticationError if the authentication fails.

Otherwise, it will return a Net::SMTP::Response, and calling status on the response will return "235".

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JellicleCat Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
